The New Enlightenment Project©2024:
After 54 years of research Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, has discovered a copy-written break-through technology which removes negative inward software forces and desires within human beings, (root cause of Terrorist radicalization, white-collar crime, industrial sabotage, character corruption, drug & alcohol abuse, workplace gender inequality, ethnic prejudices, workplace violence, tardiness and work lethargy, malingering, disloyalty, intellectual property rights theft, falsification of records, skimming, unthankfulness, character corruption, hidden agendas, selfishness, bullying, intimidation, manipulation, mental block training resistance, lack of creativity, disinformation and natural resource domination paranoia).
After years of human behavior neuro-epigenetic cognitive neuroplastic research I have discovered corrupted software electrical molecular forces within the human spirit which influence every area of human behavior especially the areas of making decisions, solving problems, regulating emotions, regulating the self, collaborating, and facilitating change in others and in organizations.
My New Enlightenment Project is: Non-invasive, non-surgical, uses no drugs, no hypnotism, has no negative side effects and no hangovers. It is safe and appropriate for men, women and children worldwide in a business, government, educational or family setting. The process is totally cost effective and can be presented to large or small groups, in person or by mixed media.
The process requires a 3 hour seminar for introduction, explanation and painless application to each group, small or large. Product/services are available today internationally. Translator required for any language other than English. Contact Dr. Oliver today at docoliver@docoliver.biz
Management Team
Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, BCPC- Founder/Managing Director 54 yrs. experience
Mrs. Diane L. Oliver BA, MA, wife/Business Partner/Executive Vice President of Art, 52 yrs experience
Customer Problem
Mankind is at a serious and highly inflamed political, social, and economic world crossroads. Wars, strife, terrorism, hatred and discontent are increasingly sabotaging the peace and prosperity process. World leadership has tried warfare, education, financing, self-help programs, give a-ways, diplomacy and dialogue; however none of these procedures has brought lasting success. Dr. Oliver can solve these problems.
Products & Services
Dr. Oliver provides Human Capital Transformation to all of mankind in a 3 hour seminar, helping the attendees to see the inner workings of the human spirit where the forces of human nature reside, the soul-which is an internet expressway to the brain. These negative behavioral traits move at the speed of thought and pass through the through the soul (an internet highway to the brain) transferring images, information, ideas, data, emotions, behavioral desires and negative tendencies directly to the brain in sequenced order through the: thalamus, hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus and pituitary gland. This chemically coded information forms brain neurons and dendrites. Those chemicals affect every cell in the body including the DNA. Medical science has proven that up to 90% of medical problems are directly related to our thought life. Remove and replace negative forces and human behavior changes for the better immediately.
Target Market
Dr. Oliver is ready to personally serve people working within Governments, Businesses, Education and the Non-Profits Sectors. Oliver will begin with a target market within the US (starting with a broken and dysfunctional Congress) , then move outwardly into Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Europe.
Potential customers are governments, businesses, and the educational sectors worldwide. Dr. Oliver can solve the world's greatest problem: Negative Human Capital Behavior which is eroding human progress/costing governments, business and schools billions of dollars. With 7+ billion humans on the Earth and with all humanity afflicted with this inward-nature software forces malady from birth to death, every person on the Planet Earth is a candidate for Dr. Oliver's transformation process.
Sales & Marketing Strategy
Provide limited Human Capital Transformation 3 hour demo seminar for free to key U.S. leadership in turn for business, governmental, educational referrals of key leadership and endorsements.
Business Model
Dr. Oliver is a marketing expert, both educationally and professionally. With over 54 years of personal sales and marketing experience, For 7 years Oliver was also the International Marketing Manager and the Associate Director of Development at the famed "Think-Tank Do-tank" The Institute of the Americas, University of California San Diego, located in La Jolla, California.
Dr. Oliver was awarded the the Superb & Consistent Dedication Decoration for 7 year’s work during which time Oliver match-made Strategic Partnerships. Dr. Oliver tirelessly match-made $5 billion in Latin American Infrastructure Strategic Partnerships Projects for US & Canadian Fortune 500 Companies from 1994-2002. Strategic Finance Business Partners included: The US Dept. of Commerce, The International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, JP Morgan Chase Manhattan Bank, and Bank of America.
Infrastructure project categories were within countries of Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, and Chile and were in energy, healthcare, telecommunications, water/wastewater, capital markets development, mining, transportation, and media. Privatization of the entire Country of Bolivia occurred through the IOA and the Bolivian President Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozadas.
During his 7 year tenure, Dr. Oliver also made over 30,000 cold-phone calls to Fortune 500 Company Presidents, CEO’s, Sr.VP’s, Founders and Managing Partners. For 7 years Dr. Oliver successfully brought in $1 million/year in IOA event retail seminar/project conference ticket sales and $1 million per year in event sponsorship's.
Oliver will begin his New Enlightenment marketing and sales process with personal visits, follow-up, activation of relationships with the 24 most powerful and influential political/business heads.
No competitors. No one is doing or knows how to do what Dr. Oliver can do. If they knew how to solve this most important of all human problems, they would be doing it. Oliver not only has the educational real-life background, but has personally studied the human behavior of men, women and children within 80 companies, US Public and Private Schools as well as the United States Military. Dr. Oliver worked within 38 business sectors analyzing the problem of negative human behavior and applying his solution to multiple cases for over 54 years.
Competitive Advantage
Using Dr. Oliver's expertise and proprietary technology, which only he possesses, and with a worldwide awareness that humanity cannot function as a cohesive unit without a major change, the door is wide open to not only benefit financially but to simultaneously solve the greatest problems that mankind faces. Oliver knows that it is one thing to have information and another things to possess the inward power for transformation. Oliver has both.
After 54 years of research Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, has discovered a copy-written break-through technology which removes negative inward software forces and desires within human beings, (root cause of Terrorist radicalization, white-collar crime, industrial sabotage, character corruption, drug & alcohol abuse, workplace gender inequality, ethnic prejudices, workplace violence, tardiness and work lethargy, malingering, disloyalty, intellectual property rights theft, falsification of records, skimming, unthankfulness, character corruption, hidden agendas, selfishness, bullying, intimidation, manipulation, mental block training resistance, lack of creativity, disinformation and natural resource domination paranoia).
After years of human behavior neuro-epigenetic cognitive neuroplastic research I have discovered corrupted software electrical molecular forces within the human spirit which influence every area of human behavior especially the areas of making decisions, solving problems, regulating emotions, regulating the self, collaborating, and facilitating change in others and in organizations.
My New Enlightenment Project is: Non-invasive, non-surgical, uses no drugs, no hypnotism, has no negative side effects and no hangovers. It is safe and appropriate for men, women and children worldwide in a business, government, educational or family setting. The process is totally cost effective and can be presented to large or small groups, in person or by mixed media.
The process requires a 3 hour seminar for introduction, explanation and painless application to each group, small or large. Product/services are available today internationally. Translator required for any language other than English. Contact Dr. Oliver today at docoliver@docoliver.biz
Management Team
Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, BCPC- Founder/Managing Director 54 yrs. experience
Mrs. Diane L. Oliver BA, MA, wife/Business Partner/Executive Vice President of Art, 52 yrs experience
Customer Problem
Mankind is at a serious and highly inflamed political, social, and economic world crossroads. Wars, strife, terrorism, hatred and discontent are increasingly sabotaging the peace and prosperity process. World leadership has tried warfare, education, financing, self-help programs, give a-ways, diplomacy and dialogue; however none of these procedures has brought lasting success. Dr. Oliver can solve these problems.
Products & Services
Dr. Oliver provides Human Capital Transformation to all of mankind in a 3 hour seminar, helping the attendees to see the inner workings of the human spirit where the forces of human nature reside, the soul-which is an internet expressway to the brain. These negative behavioral traits move at the speed of thought and pass through the through the soul (an internet highway to the brain) transferring images, information, ideas, data, emotions, behavioral desires and negative tendencies directly to the brain in sequenced order through the: thalamus, hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus and pituitary gland. This chemically coded information forms brain neurons and dendrites. Those chemicals affect every cell in the body including the DNA. Medical science has proven that up to 90% of medical problems are directly related to our thought life. Remove and replace negative forces and human behavior changes for the better immediately.
Target Market
Dr. Oliver is ready to personally serve people working within Governments, Businesses, Education and the Non-Profits Sectors. Oliver will begin with a target market within the US (starting with a broken and dysfunctional Congress) , then move outwardly into Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Europe.
Potential customers are governments, businesses, and the educational sectors worldwide. Dr. Oliver can solve the world's greatest problem: Negative Human Capital Behavior which is eroding human progress/costing governments, business and schools billions of dollars. With 7+ billion humans on the Earth and with all humanity afflicted with this inward-nature software forces malady from birth to death, every person on the Planet Earth is a candidate for Dr. Oliver's transformation process.
Sales & Marketing Strategy
Provide limited Human Capital Transformation 3 hour demo seminar for free to key U.S. leadership in turn for business, governmental, educational referrals of key leadership and endorsements.
Business Model
Dr. Oliver is a marketing expert, both educationally and professionally. With over 54 years of personal sales and marketing experience, For 7 years Oliver was also the International Marketing Manager and the Associate Director of Development at the famed "Think-Tank Do-tank" The Institute of the Americas, University of California San Diego, located in La Jolla, California.
Dr. Oliver was awarded the the Superb & Consistent Dedication Decoration for 7 year’s work during which time Oliver match-made Strategic Partnerships. Dr. Oliver tirelessly match-made $5 billion in Latin American Infrastructure Strategic Partnerships Projects for US & Canadian Fortune 500 Companies from 1994-2002. Strategic Finance Business Partners included: The US Dept. of Commerce, The International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, JP Morgan Chase Manhattan Bank, and Bank of America.
Infrastructure project categories were within countries of Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, and Chile and were in energy, healthcare, telecommunications, water/wastewater, capital markets development, mining, transportation, and media. Privatization of the entire Country of Bolivia occurred through the IOA and the Bolivian President Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozadas.
During his 7 year tenure, Dr. Oliver also made over 30,000 cold-phone calls to Fortune 500 Company Presidents, CEO’s, Sr.VP’s, Founders and Managing Partners. For 7 years Dr. Oliver successfully brought in $1 million/year in IOA event retail seminar/project conference ticket sales and $1 million per year in event sponsorship's.
Oliver will begin his New Enlightenment marketing and sales process with personal visits, follow-up, activation of relationships with the 24 most powerful and influential political/business heads.
No competitors. No one is doing or knows how to do what Dr. Oliver can do. If they knew how to solve this most important of all human problems, they would be doing it. Oliver not only has the educational real-life background, but has personally studied the human behavior of men, women and children within 80 companies, US Public and Private Schools as well as the United States Military. Dr. Oliver worked within 38 business sectors analyzing the problem of negative human behavior and applying his solution to multiple cases for over 54 years.
Competitive Advantage
Using Dr. Oliver's expertise and proprietary technology, which only he possesses, and with a worldwide awareness that humanity cannot function as a cohesive unit without a major change, the door is wide open to not only benefit financially but to simultaneously solve the greatest problems that mankind faces. Oliver knows that it is one thing to have information and another things to possess the inward power for transformation. Oliver has both.