Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder: The New Enlightenment Project©2014
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545, 951-282-4048
For Immediate Release
May 1, 2022
Has Your World Turned Upside Down?
Understanding and Surviving Tribulation
By Dr. Martin W. Oliver PhD, BCPC
Earned PhD, MA, BA in Psychology, Theology and Marketing
Hemet, California: Every adult living in our world, particularly here in America knows that what is going on is unprecedented. In my 77 years of living on Earth I have personally never seen such an active combination of: Extreme weather, inflation, logistic log-jams, shortage of our needed goods, crime and political unrest, Covid plague sicknesses, wars and threats of more wars; it is all here for us to see live and in color.
Are these current events just random acts typical for people living on Planet Earth or is there a bigger more important message or picture being communicated? After 50 years of careful study and observation I believe that we are in fact being warned regarding the breakdown in our relationship with God and that we must take heed to those warnings. Here is my analysis as a Doctor of Human Behavior, Theology and Business Marketing.
When serious problems occur, particularly life-threatening events, there are many ways to react: allow fear to dominate us, go into hiding and head for the hills, simply ignore the warning signs and hope they will go away, get stoned out of our mind, or attempt to come up with our own personal explanation and evaluation and hope like hell that we are right.
When I attended Bible Theological Seminary I spent a great deal of time examining the prophetic warnings of The Lord Jesus Christ regarding our world and what He calls end-times events and timetables. We examined the Who, What, When, Why, Where and How of what He predicted. We also examined what He explained regarding how to avoid tribulation. Jesus said in Holy Scripture: “In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer I have overcome the world.” Well that news and proclamation certainly made me feel better but exactly how should I respond and prepare for such catastrophes and how do I insure that I am on the winning side?
Jesus The Christ, gives us many clues when He 2000+ years ago said things like: If you love me obey My commandments and seek first Me and my Kingdom and everything you need will be added to you and I am the Vine and you are the branches, without Me you can do nothing and I Am the Truth, the Life and the Way. Then I examined the impeccable credentials of Jesus Christ and compared him with every other human past or present, including religious leaders, mystics, politicians, business executives, world leaders, scientists, teachers, millionaires, authors or prophets who ever lived. No human had ever come close to duplicating his spoken truth, not to mention his confirming signs, miracles and wonders, fulfilled prophesies authenticating Jesus the Son's Divinity by God the Father and God The Holy Spirit: i.e. raising people from the dead, walking on water, feeding 5,000 with 2 fish and a few loaves of bread, making the blind to see, the deaf to hear and cleansing lepers.
But the most difficult test was to see if The Lord Jesus could actually change me 2000 years after His death and resurrection, in a way I had never been able to do using my own human efforts over many years. I am happy to say that Jesus Christ passed every test and His results have lasted 50 years ...and His unconditional all-satisfying love for me was off-the-scale in beauty, accuracy, consistency and majesty.
As our world gets more and more technologically savvy, the temptation is to believe that we certainly don’t need God, if He even exists, and that given enough time and money we can solve any and every problem without a Deity. But when was the last time you downloaded an IPhone app that would stop a tornado or a freezing rain, or a Covid 19 plague or any of its variants?
Although there are many things we can do and conquer, there are just some things that are way over our heads. And of course that is exactly the way that God set things up. He wanted to be our Friend. He wants to be our Partner, helping us to not only have abundant life here and now but to prepare us for eternity and His eternal Kingdom.
Unbeknownst to most of us we are being groomed for Eternity and unbeknownst to most of us we are not just a human body with a potential lifespan of anywhere between 1 and 120 years. We are in fact an eternal spirit that will live forever …somewhere, with or without Him. The reason we can’t see someone’s human spirit leave their body when they die is because the molecular speed of our human spirit moves at the speed of light 186,000 miles per second and the band-width observation capabilities of our eyes are not set up to see into the realm where God lives, the 6th dimension and beyond.
Growing up I tried religion without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and it was dead and boring. Then I carefully examined all the Eastern Religions, mysticism, the occult, the metaphysical, white, gray and black magic and although I found some truth there was some information that I just knew was inaccurate and in error. Then on September 13th, 1971 at the end of all my searching and living and trying to reform myself by human effort, I finally humbled myself, admitted all of my many sins to God, asked Jesus Christ to be my Lord and Savior and began the most wonderful and outstanding journey of my life.
Recently I celebrated 50 unbroken years of distinguished service as a Board Certified Chaplain, an Ambassador and a Priest of The Most High God and frankly I would never go back to my old lifestyle. Everything I have both learned and experienced is applicable not only to living a personal life, but to helping men, women and children in every walk of life, both in business, education, government, in living and if necessary in dying. Currently I am honored to be doing some part-time work as a Hospice Chaplain for Reliable Health "Bringing Eternal Life to the Dying”. A great responsibility with great rewards.
Thank you for taking the time to read a very small part of my life story.
If you would like to see what God has done for me may I suggest you take a look at my linkedIn profile at https://lnkd.in/gSKFJU7d or my business profile located at https://www.docoliver.biz/index.html
Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, BCPC
Founder: Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Est 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet, California 92545
Dr. Oliver’s Consultations Established in 1978 is a scientific Research and Development (R&D) Management Consulting Company whose primary mission is the discovery of innovative methods for the transformation of human lives. After 50 years of research and development Dr. Oliver’s Consultations has discovered a drug-free, hypnotism-free, electric shock-free cure for PTSD, Crime, Terrorism and Opioid Addiction. To learn more contact Dr. Martin Oliver.
For Immediate Release
May 30, 2020
Can Hidden Racial Hatred Be Neutralized in Advance?
Yes, Call Dr. Martin Oliver
Hemet, California: Sometimes it seems like racial hatred – which has been with the human race since our beginning – is never going to stop. However after 49 years of research, Dr. Martin Oliver, Founder of The New Enlightenment Project©, believes he has found a permanent therapeutic cure, taking only 4 hours to administer. Dr. Oliver says: “Unfortunately, within every human, installed at conception and located within the human spirit, are the seeds of murderous prejudice. We all hate that thought, but unfortunately it is still true and can be verified today through this painful news. Even our DNA is coded with the dormant seeds for racial prejudice, awaiting epigenetic activation. All it takes are circumstances and behavioral factors that cause it to come to the surface.” The good news says Dr. Martin Oliver, is that those tendencies and behavioral forces can be painlessly removed before they escalate into murder, death and destruction.
“People are worried about the spillover effect and more racial tensions erupting nationwide and up until now, all human efforts have addressed everything but the root cause”, said Dr. Oliver today. “I know how to permanently remove the inward forces that cause Racial Prejudice, as they travel from the human spirit, through the soul an internet highway to the brain and then form toxic brain neurons and dendrites, flooding the body with toxic chemical mixtures,” continued Oliver. Dr. Oliver is the Founder of Dr. Oliver’s Consultations and The New Enlightenment Project ©2014 a 4 hour seminar solution to the problem of Racial Prejudice, according to Oliver. Seminar cost is $10K/hr. (for groups) and $300.hr. (for individuals) with a 4 hr. minimum, plus travel cost. There is no limit on the group size.
Dr. Martin Oliver said in an interview today that his New Enlightenment Project ©2020, representing 49 years of research is: non-invasive, non-surgical, uses no drugs, no hypnotism, has no negative side effects, and has no hangover. It is safe and appropriate for men, women and children worldwide in a business, government, educational or family setting. The process requires a 4 hour seminar for introduction, explanation and painless application to each group, small or large. Email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz or call him direct at 1-951-357-2103
Dr. Oliver's international specialties are aimed at showing: individuals, the police dept., companies, school districts, ngo's, non-profits, the military and governments how to receive a permanent cure for: ethnic prejudice, terrorism, crime, sabotage, corruption, gender inequality workplace violence, tardiness, work lethargy, malingering, disloyalty, intellectual property rights theft, falsification of records, skimming, unthankfulness, character corruption, hidden agendas, selfishness, bullying, intimidation, training resistance, lack of creativity, disinformation, alcohol & drug abuse, as well as natural resource domination paranoia.
Dr. Oliver’s qualifications include: 40+ year’s personal experience with 80 companies representing 38 Industries as well as numerous private practice counseling clients. Dr. Oliver, a Vietnam Vet, earned his PhD, M.A., B.A., B.C.P.C., in Industrial Organizational and Clinical Psychology, Business Marketing and Theology/World Religion studies (1972-1989). He is the author of 27 books on Amazon (18 in International Languages), and 9 Audio books on Audible.Com. He has been a personal counselor and management consultant since 1978. He is Board Certified by The International Board of Christian Counselors and The Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counselors both of Forest Virginia, USA. Find out what Dr. Oliver can do for you or your organization today.
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to The New Enlightenment Project at: https://www.docoliver.biz/the-new-enlightenment-project.html
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, BCPC
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project© 2020
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545,
For Immediate Release
May 30, 2020
Can Hidden Racial Hatred Be Neutralized in Advance?
Yes, Call Dr. Martin Oliver
Hemet, California: Sometimes it seems like racial hatred – which has been with the human race since our beginning – is never going to stop. However after 49 years of research, Dr. Martin Oliver, Founder of The New Enlightenment Project©, believes he has found a permanent therapeutic cure, taking only 4 hours to administer. Dr. Oliver says: “Unfortunately, within every human, installed at conception and located within the human spirit, are the seeds of murderous prejudice. We all hate that thought, but unfortunately it is still true and can be verified today through this painful news. Even our DNA is coded with the dormant seeds for racial prejudice, awaiting epigenetic activation. All it takes are circumstances and behavioral factors that cause it to come to the surface.” The good news says Dr. Martin Oliver, is that those tendencies and behavioral forces can be painlessly removed before they escalate into murder, death and destruction.
“People are worried about the spillover effect and more racial tensions erupting nationwide and up until now, all human efforts have addressed everything but the root cause”, said Dr. Oliver today. “I know how to permanently remove the inward forces that cause Racial Prejudice, as they travel from the human spirit, through the soul an internet highway to the brain and then form toxic brain neurons and dendrites, flooding the body with toxic chemical mixtures,” continued Oliver. Dr. Oliver is the Founder of Dr. Oliver’s Consultations and The New Enlightenment Project ©2014 a 4 hour seminar solution to the problem of Racial Prejudice, according to Oliver. Seminar cost is $10K/hr. (for groups) and $300.hr. (for individuals) with a 4 hr. minimum, plus travel cost. There is no limit on the group size.
Dr. Martin Oliver said in an interview today that his New Enlightenment Project ©2020, representing 49 years of research is: non-invasive, non-surgical, uses no drugs, no hypnotism, has no negative side effects, and has no hangover. It is safe and appropriate for men, women and children worldwide in a business, government, educational or family setting. The process requires a 4 hour seminar for introduction, explanation and painless application to each group, small or large. Email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz or call him direct at 1-951-357-2103
Dr. Oliver's international specialties are aimed at showing: individuals, the police dept., companies, school districts, ngo's, non-profits, the military and governments how to receive a permanent cure for: ethnic prejudice, terrorism, crime, sabotage, corruption, gender inequality workplace violence, tardiness, work lethargy, malingering, disloyalty, intellectual property rights theft, falsification of records, skimming, unthankfulness, character corruption, hidden agendas, selfishness, bullying, intimidation, training resistance, lack of creativity, disinformation, alcohol & drug abuse, as well as natural resource domination paranoia.
Dr. Oliver’s qualifications include: 40+ year’s personal experience with 80 companies representing 38 Industries as well as numerous private practice counseling clients. Dr. Oliver, a Vietnam Vet, earned his PhD, M.A., B.A., B.C.P.C., in Industrial Organizational and Clinical Psychology, Business Marketing and Theology/World Religion studies (1972-1989). He is the author of 27 books on Amazon (18 in International Languages), and 9 Audio books on Audible.Com. He has been a personal counselor and management consultant since 1978. He is Board Certified by The International Board of Christian Counselors and The Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counselors both of Forest Virginia, USA. Find out what Dr. Oliver can do for you or your organization today.
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to The New Enlightenment Project at: https://www.docoliver.biz/the-new-enlightenment-project.html
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, BCPC
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project© 2020
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545,
For Immediate Release
May 6th, 2020
Is Worry a Form of Meditation?
How to Think Positive in a Negative World
By: Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
Earned PhD, MA, BA in Psychology, Theology and Marketing
Hemet, California: One definition of the active concept TO MEDIATE is: To deeply consider, to imagine, to mull over, to feel a strong emotional impact of an imagined upcoming event, to carefully contemplate, to foresee and plan out, to actualize scenarios good or bad and to vividly see internally a believed outcome or fear. Is it possible that each of us is unknowingly by habit meditating throughout our day as we worry about all the negative possibilities arising from covid19? Is it possible that we are forecasting and actually creating the future world we will live in? Are we holding ourselves back because of our apprehensive thought life? Jesus said that the power of life and death is in our tongue. Wow! Have we ever considered that concept? Are we framing our own world without even knowing it?
Around 3000 years ago King Solomon, who is considered by many to be one of the wisest men that ever lived said: For as a person thinks in the heart of their spirit and in his or her own mind, so are they, that is, they become what they have been thinking about and believing for whether good or bad. Not bad for 3000 years ago. We all know how powerful our thinking can be …building activities full of abundant life and satisfaction or bringing death, disgrace and ruination …I just knew I was going to get laid off the man said, I could see it internally. My worst fears came to pass.
For the past 6000 years mankind has put forth great effort to understand and utilized our minds. Positive thinking is not a new concept but when the dust finally settles on the best methodology discussions and brain science, once we have lived out our life on the Earth, we will clearly see – as we look back – that there were only two streams of influence during our entire pilgrimage on the Planet: #1 acceptance of human advise, our own human effort, our own human goals and decisions, our human training, our human inspired education and building, our human imaginations, aspirations, and dreams; or #2 God’s influence or lack thereof, on our life.
King Solomon under the influence of The Holy Spirit said in Proverbs 23:
Restrain Yourself
4-5 Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich;
restrain yourself!
Riches disappear in the blink of an eye;
wealth sprouts wings
and flies off into the wild blue yonder.
6-8 Don’t accept a meal from a tightwad;
don’t expect anything special.
He’ll be as stingy with you as he is with himself;
he’ll say, “Eat! Drink!” but won’t mean a word of it.
His miserly serving will turn your stomach
when you realize the meal’s a sham.
9 Don’t bother talking sense to fools;
they’ll only poke fun at your words.
12 Give yourselves to disciplined instruction;
open your ears to tested knowledge.
In closing, may I ask you: What do you see as your future? What do you imagine your outcome to be? Jesus said: Without me you can do nothing meaningful and nothing of eternal significance. Has covid19 and its disruption interrupted your thinking and your lifestyle? Are you open to new concepts that before you had no interest in pursuing? Would you like to discuss your worldview and your situation with someone who knows and really cares?
To privately talk in detail with Dr. Martin Oliver, PhD in Clinical Psychology, Industrial Organizational Psychology and Theology, or to examine your unique and special personal or business circumstances and maybe even examine your most confidential secret fears, call or email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz or 1-951-357-2103. Don't delay your relief. To examine counseling or consulting prices click here. SPECIAL LINKEDIN INDIVIDUAL MEMBER RATE: Regularly $100/hour, now $50/hour. Make an appointment today!
PRIVATE PRACTICE OCCUPATION: Dr. Martin Oliver DBA: Dr. Oliver’s Consultations© (DOC), is a Sole Proprietorship and a VA Certified Veteran-Owned Small Business established in the State of California in 1978. The Company was established as a IO/Clinical, Cognitive Psychology Research and Development (R&D) Management Consulting & Counseling Company. Dr. Oliver’s is a Full-Time Human Behavior Transformation Consultant since 1978-Present. He uses human behavior transformation techniques that are created to align with brain design and science. Oliver has 40+ years’ experience working with and serving 80 Companies & numerous private practice Individual Clients.
Examine Dr. Oliver’s business profile and references at: http://www.docoliver.biz
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project©2020
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545, 951-357-2103
# # #
For Immediate Release
May 6th, 2020
Is Worry a Form of Meditation?
How to Think Positive in a Negative World
By: Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
Earned PhD, MA, BA in Psychology, Theology and Marketing
Hemet, California: One definition of the active concept TO MEDIATE is: To deeply consider, to imagine, to mull over, to feel a strong emotional impact of an imagined upcoming event, to carefully contemplate, to foresee and plan out, to actualize scenarios good or bad and to vividly see internally a believed outcome or fear. Is it possible that each of us is unknowingly by habit meditating throughout our day as we worry about all the negative possibilities arising from covid19? Is it possible that we are forecasting and actually creating the future world we will live in? Are we holding ourselves back because of our apprehensive thought life? Jesus said that the power of life and death is in our tongue. Wow! Have we ever considered that concept? Are we framing our own world without even knowing it?
Around 3000 years ago King Solomon, who is considered by many to be one of the wisest men that ever lived said: For as a person thinks in the heart of their spirit and in his or her own mind, so are they, that is, they become what they have been thinking about and believing for whether good or bad. Not bad for 3000 years ago. We all know how powerful our thinking can be …building activities full of abundant life and satisfaction or bringing death, disgrace and ruination …I just knew I was going to get laid off the man said, I could see it internally. My worst fears came to pass.
For the past 6000 years mankind has put forth great effort to understand and utilized our minds. Positive thinking is not a new concept but when the dust finally settles on the best methodology discussions and brain science, once we have lived out our life on the Earth, we will clearly see – as we look back – that there were only two streams of influence during our entire pilgrimage on the Planet: #1 acceptance of human advise, our own human effort, our own human goals and decisions, our human training, our human inspired education and building, our human imaginations, aspirations, and dreams; or #2 God’s influence or lack thereof, on our life.
King Solomon under the influence of The Holy Spirit said in Proverbs 23:
Restrain Yourself
4-5 Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich;
restrain yourself!
Riches disappear in the blink of an eye;
wealth sprouts wings
and flies off into the wild blue yonder.
6-8 Don’t accept a meal from a tightwad;
don’t expect anything special.
He’ll be as stingy with you as he is with himself;
he’ll say, “Eat! Drink!” but won’t mean a word of it.
His miserly serving will turn your stomach
when you realize the meal’s a sham.
9 Don’t bother talking sense to fools;
they’ll only poke fun at your words.
12 Give yourselves to disciplined instruction;
open your ears to tested knowledge.
In closing, may I ask you: What do you see as your future? What do you imagine your outcome to be? Jesus said: Without me you can do nothing meaningful and nothing of eternal significance. Has covid19 and its disruption interrupted your thinking and your lifestyle? Are you open to new concepts that before you had no interest in pursuing? Would you like to discuss your worldview and your situation with someone who knows and really cares?
To privately talk in detail with Dr. Martin Oliver, PhD in Clinical Psychology, Industrial Organizational Psychology and Theology, or to examine your unique and special personal or business circumstances and maybe even examine your most confidential secret fears, call or email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz or 1-951-357-2103. Don't delay your relief. To examine counseling or consulting prices click here. SPECIAL LINKEDIN INDIVIDUAL MEMBER RATE: Regularly $100/hour, now $50/hour. Make an appointment today!
PRIVATE PRACTICE OCCUPATION: Dr. Martin Oliver DBA: Dr. Oliver’s Consultations© (DOC), is a Sole Proprietorship and a VA Certified Veteran-Owned Small Business established in the State of California in 1978. The Company was established as a IO/Clinical, Cognitive Psychology Research and Development (R&D) Management Consulting & Counseling Company. Dr. Oliver’s is a Full-Time Human Behavior Transformation Consultant since 1978-Present. He uses human behavior transformation techniques that are created to align with brain design and science. Oliver has 40+ years’ experience working with and serving 80 Companies & numerous private practice Individual Clients.
- Addiction (Opioid, Alcohol, Sexual, Gambling)
- Terrorist Deradicalization
- Workplace Violence
- Marriage Conflict
- Child Raising Challenges
- Fear: Multiple Phobias
- Leadership Development
- Human Change Management
- Succession Planning & Team Building
- Organizational Change Management
- Personal Counseling & Consulting
- Forensic Assessments
- Published Writing/Expert Teaching
- Surviving Cancer
Examine Dr. Oliver’s business profile and references at: http://www.docoliver.biz
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project©2020
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545, 951-357-2103
# # #
For Immediate Release
April 26, 2020
How to Deal With Coronavirus Fears & Its Negative Impact:
Through Godly Understanding Activate Your Inward Tools & Gifts
By: Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
Earned PhD, MA, BA in Psychology, Theology and Marketing
Hemet, California: The entire human race must deal with fear, it just comes with the territory. Some fear is ok because it is all about respect. Like the fear of jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco …woops SPLAT!!! However other fears are simply there to torment us. The Holy Bible says: “Fear has torment” and “God did not give us the spirit of fear again unto bondage, but power, love and a sound mind.”
Fear affects our mind, our judgment, our decisions, our outlook, our human spirit, our body, our health our family and our world. As we know a person can develop a fear over almost anything. Just because we don’t have a fear of snakes or spiders doesn’t mean we don’t have a fear of losing our job, losing our income, our food, our health, our home, our transportation or our very life. So how are we supposed to function in this crazy new world where it seems like everything we knew and depended upon is turning upside down? How do we survive and maybe even thrive and actually win the battle? Is that even possible?
As a Doctor of Clinical/IO Psychology and Theology one of the first things I help my clients to do is to correctly analyze their situation, deconstruct the elements of the attack and to examine options so as to best make sustainable, good and healthy decisions. But even before we begin to examine, investigate and scrutinize the situation, it is first necessary to understand who we are and how we are constructed internally? Then we look at why things like this rattle our cage and depress us so much?
Following is a short synopsis of how we are constructed internally. From this you can not only gain insight as to who we are, why we are here, where we came from and where we are going, but get a handle on how to handle our new situation. One word of caution: Although help is readily available and freedom including transformation can be right at our doorstep, there are no easy answers.
Many in our generation want instant no-effort easy solutions to their problems. That is not being realistic. Anything worth doing is worth doing right, particularly if we are talking about our own personal lives and destiny. Jesus Christ said over 2000 years ago: “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” He also said that we must: "Study to show ourselves approved, a workman who doesn't need to be ashamed or embarrassed for not preparing properly." We need to know, understand and activate the truth. In a nutshell the following is a synopsis of who we are as humans. This information applies to both males and females of any age.
#1. We are ourselves an eternal, immortal human spirit with a molecular speed operating at 186,000 miles per second. When something speeds up to the speed of light it disappears from our eyesight band width. That is why we can’t see a human spirit leave a body when a person dies.
#2. Within our human spirit is a mind for analysis, an art department for imagination, a will power system for making decisions, and a heart of our being which is our full personality and is the accumulation of every decision we have ever made during our life.
#3. We have a soul which is an Internet expressway to our brain and carries all the information from our human spirit into our brain for examination, organization, classification and chemical coding.
#4. There are 5 main parts of our brain that are not only used for building of brain neurons and brain dendrites, but are a vital part of how we pass on information into our DNA located within each cell of our body. Those 5 parts are the Thalamus, the Hypothalamus, the Amygdule, the Hippocampus and the Pituitary Gland.
#5. Fear can have a dark spiritual origin or it can simply be a result of what we are thinking about, mediating on and allowing into the most secret recesses of our being. God reminds us in Holy Scripture: “Think on good things, lovely things, things of good report, if there be any virtue or anything worthy of praise, think on these things.”
This world we live in daily is voice activated. Words are not only used to communicate but are in the truest since of the word, the building blocks and the containers for who we are and what we will become. Information triggers feelings, feeling create desires, desire are used to make decisions, decisions create opportunities good or bad, opportunities taken together create results, results acted upon develop habits and habits lived out determine our destiny.
Ok Dr. Oliver, that all sounds interesting but what about the coronavirus and my job, my future and my life? How am I supposed to survive? We survive by not only understanding how we are constructed, but by understanding what got us into this mess to begin with. Then when we discover if there have been any errors in our judgement, any economic errors, lifestyle errors, errors of looking to ourselves as the total solution to our problems, then and only then will we be open to change. And yes, if the coronavirus plague has done anything in our world, it has brought to our attention the possibility or even necessity for change. O-thanks a lot Charlie Brown!!!
If however we get stubborn, if we refuse to change or alter those things that are hurting us, then we are destined to repeat the same mistakes over and over again, until the next plague or ugly scary thing comes our way.
To privately talk in detail with Dr. Martin Oliver, or to examine your unique and special personal or business circumstances and maybe even examine your most confidential secret fears, call or email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz or 1-951-357-2103. Don't delay your progress. To check counseling or consulting prices click here. SPECIAL LINKEDIN INDIVIDUAL MEMBER RATE: Regularly $100/hr, now $50/hour. Make an appointment today!
PRIVATE PRACTICE OCCUPATION: Dr. Martin Oliver DBA: Dr. Oliver’s Consultations© (DOC), is a Sole Proprietorship and a VA Certified Veteran-Owned Small Business established in the State of California in 1978. The Company was established as a IO/Clinical, Cognitive Psychology Research and Development (R&D) Management Consulting & Counseling Company. Dr. Oliver’s is a Full-Time Human Behavior Transformation Consultant 1978-Present. He uses human behavior transformation techniques that are created to align with brain design and science. Oliver has 40+ years’ experience working with and serving 80 Companies & numerous private practice Individual Clients.
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to his business profile at: http://www.docoliver.biz
# # #
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project©20120
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545, 951-357-2103
For Immediate Release
April 26, 2020
How to Deal With Coronavirus Fears & Its Negative Impact:
Through Godly Understanding Activate Your Inward Tools & Gifts
By: Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
Earned PhD, MA, BA in Psychology, Theology and Marketing
Hemet, California: The entire human race must deal with fear, it just comes with the territory. Some fear is ok because it is all about respect. Like the fear of jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco …woops SPLAT!!! However other fears are simply there to torment us. The Holy Bible says: “Fear has torment” and “God did not give us the spirit of fear again unto bondage, but power, love and a sound mind.”
Fear affects our mind, our judgment, our decisions, our outlook, our human spirit, our body, our health our family and our world. As we know a person can develop a fear over almost anything. Just because we don’t have a fear of snakes or spiders doesn’t mean we don’t have a fear of losing our job, losing our income, our food, our health, our home, our transportation or our very life. So how are we supposed to function in this crazy new world where it seems like everything we knew and depended upon is turning upside down? How do we survive and maybe even thrive and actually win the battle? Is that even possible?
As a Doctor of Clinical/IO Psychology and Theology one of the first things I help my clients to do is to correctly analyze their situation, deconstruct the elements of the attack and to examine options so as to best make sustainable, good and healthy decisions. But even before we begin to examine, investigate and scrutinize the situation, it is first necessary to understand who we are and how we are constructed internally? Then we look at why things like this rattle our cage and depress us so much?
Following is a short synopsis of how we are constructed internally. From this you can not only gain insight as to who we are, why we are here, where we came from and where we are going, but get a handle on how to handle our new situation. One word of caution: Although help is readily available and freedom including transformation can be right at our doorstep, there are no easy answers.
Many in our generation want instant no-effort easy solutions to their problems. That is not being realistic. Anything worth doing is worth doing right, particularly if we are talking about our own personal lives and destiny. Jesus Christ said over 2000 years ago: “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” He also said that we must: "Study to show ourselves approved, a workman who doesn't need to be ashamed or embarrassed for not preparing properly." We need to know, understand and activate the truth. In a nutshell the following is a synopsis of who we are as humans. This information applies to both males and females of any age.
#1. We are ourselves an eternal, immortal human spirit with a molecular speed operating at 186,000 miles per second. When something speeds up to the speed of light it disappears from our eyesight band width. That is why we can’t see a human spirit leave a body when a person dies.
#2. Within our human spirit is a mind for analysis, an art department for imagination, a will power system for making decisions, and a heart of our being which is our full personality and is the accumulation of every decision we have ever made during our life.
#3. We have a soul which is an Internet expressway to our brain and carries all the information from our human spirit into our brain for examination, organization, classification and chemical coding.
#4. There are 5 main parts of our brain that are not only used for building of brain neurons and brain dendrites, but are a vital part of how we pass on information into our DNA located within each cell of our body. Those 5 parts are the Thalamus, the Hypothalamus, the Amygdule, the Hippocampus and the Pituitary Gland.
#5. Fear can have a dark spiritual origin or it can simply be a result of what we are thinking about, mediating on and allowing into the most secret recesses of our being. God reminds us in Holy Scripture: “Think on good things, lovely things, things of good report, if there be any virtue or anything worthy of praise, think on these things.”
This world we live in daily is voice activated. Words are not only used to communicate but are in the truest since of the word, the building blocks and the containers for who we are and what we will become. Information triggers feelings, feeling create desires, desire are used to make decisions, decisions create opportunities good or bad, opportunities taken together create results, results acted upon develop habits and habits lived out determine our destiny.
Ok Dr. Oliver, that all sounds interesting but what about the coronavirus and my job, my future and my life? How am I supposed to survive? We survive by not only understanding how we are constructed, but by understanding what got us into this mess to begin with. Then when we discover if there have been any errors in our judgement, any economic errors, lifestyle errors, errors of looking to ourselves as the total solution to our problems, then and only then will we be open to change. And yes, if the coronavirus plague has done anything in our world, it has brought to our attention the possibility or even necessity for change. O-thanks a lot Charlie Brown!!!
If however we get stubborn, if we refuse to change or alter those things that are hurting us, then we are destined to repeat the same mistakes over and over again, until the next plague or ugly scary thing comes our way.
To privately talk in detail with Dr. Martin Oliver, or to examine your unique and special personal or business circumstances and maybe even examine your most confidential secret fears, call or email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz or 1-951-357-2103. Don't delay your progress. To check counseling or consulting prices click here. SPECIAL LINKEDIN INDIVIDUAL MEMBER RATE: Regularly $100/hr, now $50/hour. Make an appointment today!
PRIVATE PRACTICE OCCUPATION: Dr. Martin Oliver DBA: Dr. Oliver’s Consultations© (DOC), is a Sole Proprietorship and a VA Certified Veteran-Owned Small Business established in the State of California in 1978. The Company was established as a IO/Clinical, Cognitive Psychology Research and Development (R&D) Management Consulting & Counseling Company. Dr. Oliver’s is a Full-Time Human Behavior Transformation Consultant 1978-Present. He uses human behavior transformation techniques that are created to align with brain design and science. Oliver has 40+ years’ experience working with and serving 80 Companies & numerous private practice Individual Clients.
- Addiction (Opioid, Alcohol, Sexual, Gambling)
- Terrorist Deradicalization
- Workplace Violence
- Marriage Conflict
- Child Raising Challenges
- Fear: Multiple Phobias
- Leadership Development
- Human Change Management
- Succession Planning & Team Building
- Organizational Change Management
- Personal Counseling & Consulting
- Forensic Assessments
- Published Writing/Expert Teaching
- Surviving Cancer
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to his business profile at: http://www.docoliver.biz
# # #
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project©20120
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545, 951-357-2103
For Immediate Release
April 23, 2020
Are There Requirements for Getting into Heaven?
Are We Quarantined From Heaven?
By: Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
Earned PhD, MA, BA in Psychology, Theology and Marketing
Hemet, California: As human are dealing with the coronavirus, and many precious people have already died, others are themselves facing death, and are looking right into death’s ugly face. We all want to believe that there really is a Heaven and an afterlife? If Heaven really does exist we all want to get in …we want to be there right? Who in their right mind would want to go to Hell if it exists …unless of course we have a chip on our shoulder and are holding a grudge against God and want to get as far away from Him as possible? Some people infected with the coronavirus believe that they are already in a living hell …how could it get worse?
If you and I study all world religions we can quickly see that there are many, many belief systems and methodologies that mankind has devised about how to make Heaven our eternal home. Will God agree? Most of these systems are passed down by countries, families, traditions or visions, and all of them fall into 2 clear spiritual behavioral categories based on either: #1 Continued Consistent Hard-Working Human Effort, or #2 Receiving an Undeserved Free Gift and a Working Partnership with God. If we make progress on the basis of #1 we can pat ourselves on the back and tell everyone how great we are as we compare ourselves with others. With option #2 it only requires Humility and Appreciation and we can only thank God for grace …undeserved favor.
Did you know that the coronavirus 19 pandemic with its quarantine orders provides us with a close correlation and a living example, an illustration if you will, of our relationship with God? Did you also know that we are, in all reality, quarantined by God within the confines of the planet Earth? Sure we could go to Mars, but have you seen their weather report lately? Being quarantined by God might sound a little far-fetched, a little unbelievable to our modern minds but if we look at the facts according to Holy Scripture, and not just our made-up ideas of what we hope the rules are, we can easily understand the situation and then see clearly how to proceed and solve the Heaven problem.
Now go back to world religions for a minute. Regardless of the sincerity of the founders, man-made paths to God require a systematic list of rules, requirements and doctrines that must be religiously and rigorously followed to get into the door of Heaven …with no real assurance that we can actually get in. Or if we fail to meet the standards we just can hope that we will get reincarnated into a higher form with a new shot at making things right or if we have been a real low-life, maybe we get our next go round as a bug or maybe even a coronavirus …imagine that!!!
But here is how the actual system works according to Holy Scripture, according to the Holy Bible: We are quarantined out of Heaven because of behavioral software forces within our human spirit that are highly contagious and would contaminate Heaven with the same behavioral diseases that exist upon the earth. Those forces manifest for example as: Selfishness, hatred, prejudices, lying, jealousy, murder, theft, drunkenness, idolatry, envy, strife, sedition, heresies, witchcraft, sorcery, adultery, fornication, etc., etc. Well, you get the picture.
So God, who truly loves us and wants to live with us throughout eternity, has a real big problem. We are diseased spiritually and if we come into His Heaven in our current contaminated condition, it would be just a matter of time, before Heaven became infected with the same maladies that exist upon and within the Earth, and of course, within humanity. Forgiveness is just one need we have. An even greater need is for a complete human transformation from the inside out. So what’s a God to do?
Enter Jesus Christ the Great Man-God and Redeemer. No one can match His moral, ethical, knowledgeable, prophetic and power transformational credentials. As we move through this Easter season we see the emphasis on Jesus as usual. Now there are probably 1000 angles to look at concerning Jesus, such as His birth, life, crucifixion, death and resurrection. But let’s just look at one. Jesus came to Earth to remove the corrupted behavioral software from within our human spirit and empower us to live the good-life forever. Yes, as an example, it is just like with our own computer. If we get a corrupted virus within our operating system, it screws up everything and the system just will not function correctly. And in most cases the virus is preprogramed to take over everything!
As we know there are many methods we can use to extract malware, but bottom line, it must go! And the longer we wait, the more infected our hard drive gets and the greater the possibility that our computer will require a complete system restore (if even possible), which means that everything we didn’t save will be lost. Imagine all that work vanishing. When we install the original program’s restore CDs we know that we are starting from scratch.
So Jesus Christ did many things for us. Here are a few nuggets of pure 24 caret gold: #1 Just like when we purposely do the wrong thing, there is always a penalty; #2 When there is a penalty, someone or something must pay. #3 Jesus Christ not only set the right example for how humanity was designed to behave throughout eternity, He paid the ultimate price for our mistakes. #4 He provides us with a living relationship with God that includes, if you choose to accept Mr. Phelps, a complete transformation and the internal power to pull it off daily. #5 Activation of this relationship is based on our own human will and our willful choice. #6 We won’t be able to stick with it without His hour by hour, moment by moment help and power relationship. #7 God is waiting on us to make the first move but the clock is ticking. Once we die it’s too late to change course.
Lastly, it is always a sad thing to me when someone famous dies, someone who everyone knows has lived like a devil or a dirty scoundrel, and then people start saying, “Well now he or she is in Heaven with God, so they are at peace." What kind of drugs are the talkers taking? How can a person who has openly not only broken all the rules and who has before men, angels and God Himself, said, I don’t need or want God; how can that person suddenly say, O-now I have a really great relationship with God, yes I really love God and all He stands for. Do they have brain damage? What about justice? What about fairness, honor and integrity?
As we all know, life is wonderful and life is super dangerous. If one thing doesn’t kill us, another thing will. It is a miracle that we have lasted this long. 49 years ago I wised up, humbled myself, confessed my MANY sins, asked God for forgiveness and asked Him to help me be the person I secretly wanted to be. On May 8th, I will be 75 years old. Looking back, the past 49 years have been the best years of my life. How about you? Can you honestly say that? If you are reading this message it is not too late for a change. If you have already died, well that is another message. Out of the genepool Charlie Brown, your time is up.
Email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz or call him direct at 1-951-357-2103
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to his business profile at: http://www.docoliver.biz
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Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project©20120
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545, 951-357-2103
For Immediate Release
April 23, 2020
Are There Requirements for Getting into Heaven?
Are We Quarantined From Heaven?
By: Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
Earned PhD, MA, BA in Psychology, Theology and Marketing
Hemet, California: As human are dealing with the coronavirus, and many precious people have already died, others are themselves facing death, and are looking right into death’s ugly face. We all want to believe that there really is a Heaven and an afterlife? If Heaven really does exist we all want to get in …we want to be there right? Who in their right mind would want to go to Hell if it exists …unless of course we have a chip on our shoulder and are holding a grudge against God and want to get as far away from Him as possible? Some people infected with the coronavirus believe that they are already in a living hell …how could it get worse?
If you and I study all world religions we can quickly see that there are many, many belief systems and methodologies that mankind has devised about how to make Heaven our eternal home. Will God agree? Most of these systems are passed down by countries, families, traditions or visions, and all of them fall into 2 clear spiritual behavioral categories based on either: #1 Continued Consistent Hard-Working Human Effort, or #2 Receiving an Undeserved Free Gift and a Working Partnership with God. If we make progress on the basis of #1 we can pat ourselves on the back and tell everyone how great we are as we compare ourselves with others. With option #2 it only requires Humility and Appreciation and we can only thank God for grace …undeserved favor.
Did you know that the coronavirus 19 pandemic with its quarantine orders provides us with a close correlation and a living example, an illustration if you will, of our relationship with God? Did you also know that we are, in all reality, quarantined by God within the confines of the planet Earth? Sure we could go to Mars, but have you seen their weather report lately? Being quarantined by God might sound a little far-fetched, a little unbelievable to our modern minds but if we look at the facts according to Holy Scripture, and not just our made-up ideas of what we hope the rules are, we can easily understand the situation and then see clearly how to proceed and solve the Heaven problem.
Now go back to world religions for a minute. Regardless of the sincerity of the founders, man-made paths to God require a systematic list of rules, requirements and doctrines that must be religiously and rigorously followed to get into the door of Heaven …with no real assurance that we can actually get in. Or if we fail to meet the standards we just can hope that we will get reincarnated into a higher form with a new shot at making things right or if we have been a real low-life, maybe we get our next go round as a bug or maybe even a coronavirus …imagine that!!!
But here is how the actual system works according to Holy Scripture, according to the Holy Bible: We are quarantined out of Heaven because of behavioral software forces within our human spirit that are highly contagious and would contaminate Heaven with the same behavioral diseases that exist upon the earth. Those forces manifest for example as: Selfishness, hatred, prejudices, lying, jealousy, murder, theft, drunkenness, idolatry, envy, strife, sedition, heresies, witchcraft, sorcery, adultery, fornication, etc., etc. Well, you get the picture.
So God, who truly loves us and wants to live with us throughout eternity, has a real big problem. We are diseased spiritually and if we come into His Heaven in our current contaminated condition, it would be just a matter of time, before Heaven became infected with the same maladies that exist upon and within the Earth, and of course, within humanity. Forgiveness is just one need we have. An even greater need is for a complete human transformation from the inside out. So what’s a God to do?
Enter Jesus Christ the Great Man-God and Redeemer. No one can match His moral, ethical, knowledgeable, prophetic and power transformational credentials. As we move through this Easter season we see the emphasis on Jesus as usual. Now there are probably 1000 angles to look at concerning Jesus, such as His birth, life, crucifixion, death and resurrection. But let’s just look at one. Jesus came to Earth to remove the corrupted behavioral software from within our human spirit and empower us to live the good-life forever. Yes, as an example, it is just like with our own computer. If we get a corrupted virus within our operating system, it screws up everything and the system just will not function correctly. And in most cases the virus is preprogramed to take over everything!
As we know there are many methods we can use to extract malware, but bottom line, it must go! And the longer we wait, the more infected our hard drive gets and the greater the possibility that our computer will require a complete system restore (if even possible), which means that everything we didn’t save will be lost. Imagine all that work vanishing. When we install the original program’s restore CDs we know that we are starting from scratch.
So Jesus Christ did many things for us. Here are a few nuggets of pure 24 caret gold: #1 Just like when we purposely do the wrong thing, there is always a penalty; #2 When there is a penalty, someone or something must pay. #3 Jesus Christ not only set the right example for how humanity was designed to behave throughout eternity, He paid the ultimate price for our mistakes. #4 He provides us with a living relationship with God that includes, if you choose to accept Mr. Phelps, a complete transformation and the internal power to pull it off daily. #5 Activation of this relationship is based on our own human will and our willful choice. #6 We won’t be able to stick with it without His hour by hour, moment by moment help and power relationship. #7 God is waiting on us to make the first move but the clock is ticking. Once we die it’s too late to change course.
Lastly, it is always a sad thing to me when someone famous dies, someone who everyone knows has lived like a devil or a dirty scoundrel, and then people start saying, “Well now he or she is in Heaven with God, so they are at peace." What kind of drugs are the talkers taking? How can a person who has openly not only broken all the rules and who has before men, angels and God Himself, said, I don’t need or want God; how can that person suddenly say, O-now I have a really great relationship with God, yes I really love God and all He stands for. Do they have brain damage? What about justice? What about fairness, honor and integrity?
As we all know, life is wonderful and life is super dangerous. If one thing doesn’t kill us, another thing will. It is a miracle that we have lasted this long. 49 years ago I wised up, humbled myself, confessed my MANY sins, asked God for forgiveness and asked Him to help me be the person I secretly wanted to be. On May 8th, I will be 75 years old. Looking back, the past 49 years have been the best years of my life. How about you? Can you honestly say that? If you are reading this message it is not too late for a change. If you have already died, well that is another message. Out of the genepool Charlie Brown, your time is up.
Email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz or call him direct at 1-951-357-2103
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to his business profile at: http://www.docoliver.biz
# # #
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project©20120
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545, 951-357-2103

For Immediate Release
April 17, 2020
Inside the Mind of God
Understanding God’s Thought Process
By: Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
PhD, MA, BA In: IO/Clinical Psychology, Theology, Marketing
Hemet, California: First we need to understand that God wants to reveal Himself to us as humans and to help us understand that He is Omnipresent (can be everywhere at once), Omniscient (knows everything, past, present and future) and Omnipotent (has unlimited power) …and that He is qualified to help us.
If God wants to create a tree He can first begin by creating a seed and then watching it grow or He can create a giant sequoia in a fully mature condition and plant it in the ground. That seems impossible to us, but that is because we are not God …we can’t do that. And by the way where does God get the basic molecular elements and DNA blueprint to build a seed from? From within Himself. Every good and perfect gift comes from God and there is no change in a negative direction, not even a shadow of His turning from what He has decided …forever.
Well, the lady in the pink hat sitting in the 3rd row just raised her hand and said: How do we know that God is not a woman, a she-god or a goddess? We know that from all of Holy Scripture that God is always, 100% of the time, referred to in the masculine gender. However if you carefully study out Scripture with a corresponding amount of prayer, you will learn that God is both male and female internally. Dr. Oliver that is kinda weird isn’t it??? It is not weird if you understand God’s structure. According to The Holy Bible, when God created our Grandparents Adam and Eve, He drew their male and female nature from within Himself and then placed those behavioral characteristics with them.
First thing to know is that God is a Spirit, a spiritual being, which means that the molecular structure of His body moves at not only the speed of light (186,000 miles/second) but at the speed of thought …and He is eternal, perfect and will never perish. Also He has both the male and female nature within Himself. No sexual organs mind-you, but all the fatherly forcefulness, adventurous, bold tenacity, and warrior-protective characteristics of a male. Also within Him is the tender, gentle, sensitive, merciful and unconditional love and compassionate nature of a woman.
One of the greatest aspects of God is that He can see into the future. You could pull off your shoe and hand it to God and He could not only tell you everything about its’ components and whether or not you were overcharged, but He could tell you who made it, when and where they made it, and what the cobbler/shoemaker person had for breakfast that morning.
In the Judeo-Christian religion, God is expressed as The One and Only God. But upon closer examination we can see a manifestation and an unfolding of the concept of the Trinity of God. One God, operating in total unity, harmony, understanding and perfection, manifested in three Persons: Within our natural world are a multitude of trinity examples which God set up to introduce us to the concept: Water in 3 forms- liquid, ice, steam; the egg- shell, yoke, and white; the molecule- electrons, neutrons, and protons.
In the Theological world we see God The Father, God The Son and God the Holy Spirit. Why three, why does there need to be three? Good question! Because God the Father is the Operator making the final overall decisions, God The Son is the Administrator, The One who carries out the commands and words of The Father and God the Holy Spirit Who is The Manifestor of all creation, both in this temporal world and in the permanent world of the Spirit, the world of Eternity, which is hidden from our eyesight neatly next to us in a parallel universe. God wants us to choose Him because of love and value, not because we are overwhelmed with His revealed power making it impossible not to cower in fear and intimidation.
Finally, before God created anything He/They, The Trinity, met together to explore and discuss the creation of Heaven and Earth, Angels, Mankind, Hell, The Lake of Fire, the Universe, etc. But before they made even a single decision, They first needed to fully possess all the necessary professional knowledge, skill, understanding, power and foreknowledge of a: Biologist, Botanist, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Geologist, Archeologist, Hydrologist, Astrophysicist, Chemist, Oceanographer, Meteorologist, Medical Doctor, Surgeon, Nurse, Astronomer, Engineer, Politician, Ruler, Mathematician, Inventor, Computer Designer, Construction Engineer, Architect, Law-Enforcer, Judge, Attorney, Factory Worker, Nutritionist, Farmer, Criminologist, Cosmetologist, Solid Waste Engineer, Ship Builder, Homeless Person, Immigrant, and Father/Mother/Child.
God needed to know exactly how mankind – each one of us – would respond to the gift of free will, and also to a myriad of familial, political, crisis and economic conditions. Because each human would have a certain number of years allotted to them, (time allotted) so they could decide whether they wanted to live with God throughout eternity or reject Him for eternity; God had to decide precisely what time in history we would be born, what family we would be part of and what race, ethnicity, physical and mental characteristics, gifts, talents, opportunities and sex we would be. As unlikely as it seems, God predestined us to be placed in situations that would allow us to be the best we could be by us overcoming adversity. Adversity as much as we hate it, can be used to develop our character. Contrary to popular opinion, we are not a product of our environment; we are a reaction to our environment. What we decide to do with our situation determines what we become, now and for eternity. Thoughts bring feelings, feelings bring desires, desires offer opportunities, opportunities trigger choices, choices develop habits, habits determine character and character determines ultimate destiny.
Today, April 17, 2020 as we deal with the coronavirus, life or death decisions, weird weather, tornadoes, economic uncertainty, lifestyle disruption, and the approaching hurricane season: you and I are deciding moment-by-moment whether we want God in our thoughts and in our life? We are deciding through our free-will choice whether we will humble ourselves, submit ourselves to Him and listen to the wooing and warnings of The Holy Spirit of God trying to reach us and save our lives. Remember, without faith in God, without trust in God, without a willful choice to believe that God exist and that He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, we will have missed the greatest, most important opportunity in life, and the reason for our very existence …to know, to see and touch the face of God.
Will we chose to exclude God from our natural world daily activities, missing out on everything He has to offer or will we embark on the greatest and most magnificent scientific exploration known to mankind as we launch out into the final and most supreme frontier …The God Realm?
Email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz or call him direct at 1-951-357-2103
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to his business profile at: http://www.docoliver.biz
# # #
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project©20120
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545, 951-357-2103
For Immediate Release
April 17, 2020
Inside the Mind of God
Understanding God’s Thought Process
By: Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
PhD, MA, BA In: IO/Clinical Psychology, Theology, Marketing
Hemet, California: First we need to understand that God wants to reveal Himself to us as humans and to help us understand that He is Omnipresent (can be everywhere at once), Omniscient (knows everything, past, present and future) and Omnipotent (has unlimited power) …and that He is qualified to help us.
If God wants to create a tree He can first begin by creating a seed and then watching it grow or He can create a giant sequoia in a fully mature condition and plant it in the ground. That seems impossible to us, but that is because we are not God …we can’t do that. And by the way where does God get the basic molecular elements and DNA blueprint to build a seed from? From within Himself. Every good and perfect gift comes from God and there is no change in a negative direction, not even a shadow of His turning from what He has decided …forever.
Well, the lady in the pink hat sitting in the 3rd row just raised her hand and said: How do we know that God is not a woman, a she-god or a goddess? We know that from all of Holy Scripture that God is always, 100% of the time, referred to in the masculine gender. However if you carefully study out Scripture with a corresponding amount of prayer, you will learn that God is both male and female internally. Dr. Oliver that is kinda weird isn’t it??? It is not weird if you understand God’s structure. According to The Holy Bible, when God created our Grandparents Adam and Eve, He drew their male and female nature from within Himself and then placed those behavioral characteristics with them.
First thing to know is that God is a Spirit, a spiritual being, which means that the molecular structure of His body moves at not only the speed of light (186,000 miles/second) but at the speed of thought …and He is eternal, perfect and will never perish. Also He has both the male and female nature within Himself. No sexual organs mind-you, but all the fatherly forcefulness, adventurous, bold tenacity, and warrior-protective characteristics of a male. Also within Him is the tender, gentle, sensitive, merciful and unconditional love and compassionate nature of a woman.
One of the greatest aspects of God is that He can see into the future. You could pull off your shoe and hand it to God and He could not only tell you everything about its’ components and whether or not you were overcharged, but He could tell you who made it, when and where they made it, and what the cobbler/shoemaker person had for breakfast that morning.
In the Judeo-Christian religion, God is expressed as The One and Only God. But upon closer examination we can see a manifestation and an unfolding of the concept of the Trinity of God. One God, operating in total unity, harmony, understanding and perfection, manifested in three Persons: Within our natural world are a multitude of trinity examples which God set up to introduce us to the concept: Water in 3 forms- liquid, ice, steam; the egg- shell, yoke, and white; the molecule- electrons, neutrons, and protons.
In the Theological world we see God The Father, God The Son and God the Holy Spirit. Why three, why does there need to be three? Good question! Because God the Father is the Operator making the final overall decisions, God The Son is the Administrator, The One who carries out the commands and words of The Father and God the Holy Spirit Who is The Manifestor of all creation, both in this temporal world and in the permanent world of the Spirit, the world of Eternity, which is hidden from our eyesight neatly next to us in a parallel universe. God wants us to choose Him because of love and value, not because we are overwhelmed with His revealed power making it impossible not to cower in fear and intimidation.
Finally, before God created anything He/They, The Trinity, met together to explore and discuss the creation of Heaven and Earth, Angels, Mankind, Hell, The Lake of Fire, the Universe, etc. But before they made even a single decision, They first needed to fully possess all the necessary professional knowledge, skill, understanding, power and foreknowledge of a: Biologist, Botanist, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Geologist, Archeologist, Hydrologist, Astrophysicist, Chemist, Oceanographer, Meteorologist, Medical Doctor, Surgeon, Nurse, Astronomer, Engineer, Politician, Ruler, Mathematician, Inventor, Computer Designer, Construction Engineer, Architect, Law-Enforcer, Judge, Attorney, Factory Worker, Nutritionist, Farmer, Criminologist, Cosmetologist, Solid Waste Engineer, Ship Builder, Homeless Person, Immigrant, and Father/Mother/Child.
God needed to know exactly how mankind – each one of us – would respond to the gift of free will, and also to a myriad of familial, political, crisis and economic conditions. Because each human would have a certain number of years allotted to them, (time allotted) so they could decide whether they wanted to live with God throughout eternity or reject Him for eternity; God had to decide precisely what time in history we would be born, what family we would be part of and what race, ethnicity, physical and mental characteristics, gifts, talents, opportunities and sex we would be. As unlikely as it seems, God predestined us to be placed in situations that would allow us to be the best we could be by us overcoming adversity. Adversity as much as we hate it, can be used to develop our character. Contrary to popular opinion, we are not a product of our environment; we are a reaction to our environment. What we decide to do with our situation determines what we become, now and for eternity. Thoughts bring feelings, feelings bring desires, desires offer opportunities, opportunities trigger choices, choices develop habits, habits determine character and character determines ultimate destiny.
Today, April 17, 2020 as we deal with the coronavirus, life or death decisions, weird weather, tornadoes, economic uncertainty, lifestyle disruption, and the approaching hurricane season: you and I are deciding moment-by-moment whether we want God in our thoughts and in our life? We are deciding through our free-will choice whether we will humble ourselves, submit ourselves to Him and listen to the wooing and warnings of The Holy Spirit of God trying to reach us and save our lives. Remember, without faith in God, without trust in God, without a willful choice to believe that God exist and that He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, we will have missed the greatest, most important opportunity in life, and the reason for our very existence …to know, to see and touch the face of God.
Will we chose to exclude God from our natural world daily activities, missing out on everything He has to offer or will we embark on the greatest and most magnificent scientific exploration known to mankind as we launch out into the final and most supreme frontier …The God Realm?
Email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz or call him direct at 1-951-357-2103
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to his business profile at: http://www.docoliver.biz
# # #
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project©20120
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545, 951-357-2103

For Immediate Release
April 12, 2020
How to Make Peace with God
And Win the War
By: Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
Triple Major in Psychology, Theology & Marketing
Founder: The New Enlightenment Project©2020
Hemet, California: Just when we thought we had enough to worry about with the coronavirus pandemic, now, according to ACLED (The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project), there are “Ten World Conflicts to Worry About in 2020” …oy vey, thanks a lot guys!!
The Sahel (Africa between the Sahara to the north and the Sudanian Savanna to the south: High risk of conflicts diffusing and infecting neighbors.
Mexico: High risk of cartel ‘criminal market’ developing into insurgency.
Yemen: High risk of persistent conflict amid shifting frontlines and alliances.
India: At risk of Modi’s plans derailing with uncontrollable effects.
Somalia: High risk of Al Shabaab adapting to dominate and isolate a weak government.
Iran: High risk of center deteriorating amid regime escalation at home and abroad.
Afghanistan: High risk of rising violence targeting civilians.
Ethiopia: At risk of increased fragmentation despite a popular leader.
Lebanon: High risk of protests devolving into organized violence.
United States: Developed, democratic political system at risk of turning violent.
Today is Easter Sunday 2020 and Christians worldwide celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ …celebrating mostly on line, or via television or in the privacy of their own homes or in their own hearts. What did this mortal God/man termed The King of kings and The Lord of lords, this unique individual, considered by many to be the greatest human being who ever lived on the planet Earth, what did He have to say about war and peace for our personal time in history? Much my dear Friend, very much!
Regarding the world, and the world’s system that we see operating around us daily, or watch via media outlets, Jesus said: In the world you shall have tribulation. But then Jesus continued and said, be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Well, thank God for Jesus and His overcoming power, but how am I supposed to overcome, to find peace, particularly peace in my own personal inner-world full of fears, economic instability, tragedy and conflicts? Well, let’s look at a few facts that will help increase our understanding and hopefully guide our decisions toward ultimate human and eternal victory.
Anyone who has studied world history understands that wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines, plagues, pestilences, crime, tornadoes, heatwaves, cold spells, icy conditions and general political up evils have been part of our existence on the Earth off-and-on, since recorded history. So what did Jesus say about all these events, these current affairs applicable to the year 2020 and beyond? Jesus described in detail their coming but said that we could use these dangerous occurrences as a type of weather barometer or weather channel, giving us indications as to where we are in accordance to God’s spiritual time table in world history.
Again, Jesus said that as a resident of the planet Earth, all these horrible prophetic events would occur, but when we see them all coming together, happening altogether, all simultaneously at the same time, that we were entering into a segment of time closely akin to a woman going into labor and about to bring forth a child.
As we know, humans can only handle so much of tribulation. We max out early and can slip into OVERLOAD MODE once we see a strong negative convergence. God’s original plan for the species of mankind, both male and female, was for an ongoing safe, vibrant and living partnership: us with Him. However, we as human tend to be quite independent and do have a mean-streak of rebellion within. We would rather do things ourselves …our way, no matter who it hurts. As Winston Churchill is purported to have once said: “You can always count on Americans to do the right thing …once they have tried everything else. Well, if we are honest, that would be us.
So how do we personally get peace with God? Is that even possible? Wonderfully and majestically it is totally possible and is God’s perfect goal for us. And yes, Heaven does exist in a parallel universe around us (as many astrophysicists believe), in an eternal kingdom universe that will last forever. It is as the word “eternal” describes: eternal, never ending, unshakable, undiminished, untarnished, unpolluteable and unharmed. Our world, our much beloved and comfortable world, is sadly only temporary. However for anyone who has seen that eternal Kingdom, their personal eye-witness account and response is always, always, always the same; they don’t want to return to Earth …beam me up Jesus!
Lastly, what are the requirements of Heaven? What does it take to get in the door? In one word: perfection. O-well, that lets the entire human race out because even if we don’t want to admit it, even on our best day, we all have sinned and fallen short of God’s requirement. Well then we might as well eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we might die right? Because according to human power abilities, we are a sinking ship in a very stormy sea. O-Thanks a lot George, if I wasn’t already depressed enough, now I am really bummed.
Ah, you say, but I have a solution: HUMAN EFFORT & MAN-MADE RELIGION. We will work our way to Heaven, we will ourselves become God, and we will just evolve, we will reincarnate ourselves. Not so fast Charlie Brown. As the Holy Bible commands: We must be perfect even as our Heavenly Father is perfect. How is that “being perfect” thing working out for you and me?
Just when it looked like we were sunk, going down for the third time, enter Jesus Christ: our Savior and the Savior of all mankind. Isn’t this what Easter is all about? He was wounded for OUR transgressions, He was bruised for OUR iniquities, the chastisement required in order to secure our peace was required to be paid by Jesus Christ Himself. And by His own personal bloody wounds, by His own personal torture, by enduring massive pain, brutality, crucifixion and hatred, by His substitutionary death levied because of our deserved punishment and it falling upon Him; we are healed, we are justified, we are set free from the penalties that our own personal sins and iniquities brought upon us. By grace are we saved through faith and trust in God, not by works lest anyone should boast.
So how do we end the war between us and God? Well, it has already been ended my Friend, through the life, crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. A plan to save our life was devised and prepared even before we were born. Isn’t that why we celebrate Easter Sunday: He is risen for us!!! The only question is: will we receive it, will we say yes? Will we receive the power to live out the very life of Jesus Christ within ourselves, as a holy and honorable human civilization, conformed to His majestic example, living throughout eternity in His Kingdom with millions of others who have said yes to Jesus?
Years ago I said yes to Jesus and it has been the best and most significant decision of my life. I would never, never, never go back to my living-death lifestyle. How about you?
Email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz or call him direct at 1-951-357-2103
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to his business profile at: http://www.docoliver.biz
# # #
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder: The New Enlightenment Project©20120
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545, 951-357-2103
For Immediate Release
April 12, 2020
How to Make Peace with God
And Win the War
By: Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
Triple Major in Psychology, Theology & Marketing
Founder: The New Enlightenment Project©2020
Hemet, California: Just when we thought we had enough to worry about with the coronavirus pandemic, now, according to ACLED (The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project), there are “Ten World Conflicts to Worry About in 2020” …oy vey, thanks a lot guys!!
The Sahel (Africa between the Sahara to the north and the Sudanian Savanna to the south: High risk of conflicts diffusing and infecting neighbors.
Mexico: High risk of cartel ‘criminal market’ developing into insurgency.
Yemen: High risk of persistent conflict amid shifting frontlines and alliances.
India: At risk of Modi’s plans derailing with uncontrollable effects.
Somalia: High risk of Al Shabaab adapting to dominate and isolate a weak government.
Iran: High risk of center deteriorating amid regime escalation at home and abroad.
Afghanistan: High risk of rising violence targeting civilians.
Ethiopia: At risk of increased fragmentation despite a popular leader.
Lebanon: High risk of protests devolving into organized violence.
United States: Developed, democratic political system at risk of turning violent.
Today is Easter Sunday 2020 and Christians worldwide celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ …celebrating mostly on line, or via television or in the privacy of their own homes or in their own hearts. What did this mortal God/man termed The King of kings and The Lord of lords, this unique individual, considered by many to be the greatest human being who ever lived on the planet Earth, what did He have to say about war and peace for our personal time in history? Much my dear Friend, very much!
Regarding the world, and the world’s system that we see operating around us daily, or watch via media outlets, Jesus said: In the world you shall have tribulation. But then Jesus continued and said, be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Well, thank God for Jesus and His overcoming power, but how am I supposed to overcome, to find peace, particularly peace in my own personal inner-world full of fears, economic instability, tragedy and conflicts? Well, let’s look at a few facts that will help increase our understanding and hopefully guide our decisions toward ultimate human and eternal victory.
Anyone who has studied world history understands that wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines, plagues, pestilences, crime, tornadoes, heatwaves, cold spells, icy conditions and general political up evils have been part of our existence on the Earth off-and-on, since recorded history. So what did Jesus say about all these events, these current affairs applicable to the year 2020 and beyond? Jesus described in detail their coming but said that we could use these dangerous occurrences as a type of weather barometer or weather channel, giving us indications as to where we are in accordance to God’s spiritual time table in world history.
Again, Jesus said that as a resident of the planet Earth, all these horrible prophetic events would occur, but when we see them all coming together, happening altogether, all simultaneously at the same time, that we were entering into a segment of time closely akin to a woman going into labor and about to bring forth a child.
As we know, humans can only handle so much of tribulation. We max out early and can slip into OVERLOAD MODE once we see a strong negative convergence. God’s original plan for the species of mankind, both male and female, was for an ongoing safe, vibrant and living partnership: us with Him. However, we as human tend to be quite independent and do have a mean-streak of rebellion within. We would rather do things ourselves …our way, no matter who it hurts. As Winston Churchill is purported to have once said: “You can always count on Americans to do the right thing …once they have tried everything else. Well, if we are honest, that would be us.
So how do we personally get peace with God? Is that even possible? Wonderfully and majestically it is totally possible and is God’s perfect goal for us. And yes, Heaven does exist in a parallel universe around us (as many astrophysicists believe), in an eternal kingdom universe that will last forever. It is as the word “eternal” describes: eternal, never ending, unshakable, undiminished, untarnished, unpolluteable and unharmed. Our world, our much beloved and comfortable world, is sadly only temporary. However for anyone who has seen that eternal Kingdom, their personal eye-witness account and response is always, always, always the same; they don’t want to return to Earth …beam me up Jesus!
Lastly, what are the requirements of Heaven? What does it take to get in the door? In one word: perfection. O-well, that lets the entire human race out because even if we don’t want to admit it, even on our best day, we all have sinned and fallen short of God’s requirement. Well then we might as well eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we might die right? Because according to human power abilities, we are a sinking ship in a very stormy sea. O-Thanks a lot George, if I wasn’t already depressed enough, now I am really bummed.
Ah, you say, but I have a solution: HUMAN EFFORT & MAN-MADE RELIGION. We will work our way to Heaven, we will ourselves become God, and we will just evolve, we will reincarnate ourselves. Not so fast Charlie Brown. As the Holy Bible commands: We must be perfect even as our Heavenly Father is perfect. How is that “being perfect” thing working out for you and me?
Just when it looked like we were sunk, going down for the third time, enter Jesus Christ: our Savior and the Savior of all mankind. Isn’t this what Easter is all about? He was wounded for OUR transgressions, He was bruised for OUR iniquities, the chastisement required in order to secure our peace was required to be paid by Jesus Christ Himself. And by His own personal bloody wounds, by His own personal torture, by enduring massive pain, brutality, crucifixion and hatred, by His substitutionary death levied because of our deserved punishment and it falling upon Him; we are healed, we are justified, we are set free from the penalties that our own personal sins and iniquities brought upon us. By grace are we saved through faith and trust in God, not by works lest anyone should boast.
So how do we end the war between us and God? Well, it has already been ended my Friend, through the life, crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. A plan to save our life was devised and prepared even before we were born. Isn’t that why we celebrate Easter Sunday: He is risen for us!!! The only question is: will we receive it, will we say yes? Will we receive the power to live out the very life of Jesus Christ within ourselves, as a holy and honorable human civilization, conformed to His majestic example, living throughout eternity in His Kingdom with millions of others who have said yes to Jesus?
Years ago I said yes to Jesus and it has been the best and most significant decision of my life. I would never, never, never go back to my living-death lifestyle. How about you?
Email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz or call him direct at 1-951-357-2103
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to his business profile at: http://www.docoliver.biz
# # #
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder: The New Enlightenment Project©20120
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545, 951-357-2103

For Immediate Release
April 5th, 2020
The Devil Made Me Do It:
Who or What Made the Coronavirus?
By: Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
PhD, MA, BA in: IO/Clinical Psychology, Theology, & Marketing
Hemet, California: Remember TV Star Flip Wilson? Every time he got caught at something he shouldn’t be doing his famous salvation line was: The Devil Made Me Do It. We as humans on the planet Earth hate getting caught at a wrong-doing. So we normally, on a typical day, shift the blame…it’s a matter of survival right? When my wife Diane and I get up in the morning and we find some overnight catastrophe in the kitchen, we always consider blaming our beloved cats: Q & T …OK you little Feline Foul-ups, WHO messed up now? Or if we could, we would like to blame the phantom visitor who came in during the night …or maybe the butler who we don’t even have. It couldn’t be OUR fault …or did we leave something out? Did we set ourselves up for an accident waiting to happen?
On Friday March 3rd, there was a strong earthquake in Hemet California. It didn’t bring down our house or rattle our teeth, but we could feel the shake for about 3 seconds. It was a little scary for a few seconds because it was much stronger than us. We were just innocent bystanders. However as long-term Californians, we kinda get use to earthquakes with comments like: No big deal right? But an earthquake on top of the coronavirus: HEY, NO FAIR, TIME OUT!!!
So where did the coronavirus come from? Who or what caused it? Is it possible to even answer that question? I know of people who have blamed it on China. They believe that it is some kind of Chinese biological warfare. Although we know that biological warfare exist; are the Chinese leadership truly responsible for this plague? Would they really use their own people as Guinea Pigs, killing off thousands of their own people to get to America and the World? Would the Chinese really kill off America, their best economic trading partner? At times it seems like they might dislike us but it also looks to me like they need us or at least need our money. Don’t we buy billions of dollars of ‘Made in China’ goods? Don’t US Companies manufacture many things for Americans in China? I am sure we can twist the situation around in our favor and point our American finger at the Chinese people? But are there truly immutable facts that show their guilt? Are they really to blame?
Some people, particularly religious people often believe that somehow the Devil is behind the whole thing? But is that really possible? Does the Devil actually have the scientific knowledge, engineering power and global cooperation to pull off a coronavirus? If he could actually do this, why didn’t he just destroy the human race 5,000+ years ago?
Here is what we know about the Devil according to Holy Scripture: He exists on the Earth or at times in the heavens above the Earth, as a person; He is not God nor does he have God’s powers. He once was a high-ranking angel in Heaven - the anointed cherub that covers, originally named Lucifer. He was beautiful and most likely lead worship and singing in Heaven. He was perfect when he was created until iniquity was found in him. As a top-flight angel he once had a throne on the Earth. He was removed from his position in Heaven when he tried to incite rebellion in Heaven and tried to overthrow God. He seduced 1/3 of all the angels in Heaven to fight and war against God. Lucifer was renamed Satan by God, which means deceiver. Since he and his fallen angels have been judged guilty but not yet incarcerated, his/their focus is on the human race; God’s pride and joy of all His creation. In Satan's confusion, delusion and deception he still believes he can take over not only the Earth but all its people. Fat Chance!!!
But we also know that at Calvary’s cross and with and through the atonement and the blood of Jesus, The Lord Jesus Christ defeated him and took away any authority or power that Satan had stolen from the human race. From that time on, the only weapon he has and retains until this day is deception. That is it. At the end of the 7,000 year Earth Lease, the whole world will see Satan for what he really is and will say: Is this the worm who deceived the whole Earth? Is this the guy we were actually afraid of? A worm doesn’t have much power and certainly not much majesty or honor.
Creating a coronavirus would require great biological, chemical, molecular, and engineering skills and great knowhow power. Plus what do you use for building material? Did the coronavirus just evolve? If so can we prove it through the fossil record? Are there geologic examples from history and the fossil record that show thousands of starts and failure experiments that eventually lead to the completed and successful coronavirus structure and DNA? Who taught the corona to seek out a healthy host cell’s nucleus and rewrite its DNA blueprint and cell instructions and pirate it? Are there fossil record examples of mutation after mutation that brought forth the corona? Not really. Is it possible that when the Earth changed from its perfect pristine created condition to a contaminated state when death entered into the Earth and into the human race that some biological, botanical and zoological DNA factors were altered and bacteria and viruses were at that time created?
Lastly we know that God is totally good and totally a God of love. But He is a Father and as a Father there are times when He must, for our own good, exercise discipline and allow corrective measures and occurrences to happen, particularly when we as human get out of line and threaten the existence of the human race …and ourselves.
Remember the sacred words of Jesus Christ when He said: In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Here we are on a privileged water planet moving in orbit around a massive nuclear gas and plasma sun-ball G2V type star heated to 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and by the way, moving at approximately 67,000 mph. We are rotating on our axis at approximately 1000 mph during that same orbit with a moon orbiting around us. At the center of the Earth is the core, which has two parts; the solid inner core of iron surrounded by a liquid, an outer core composed of a nickel-iron alloy. If that was not enough, red hot liquid magma covers the core with a crust of tectonic plates that float on the mantel …and here we are sitting on top of it all eating a quesadilla with extra hot sauce. Regarding bacteria in us or around us: A study by the National Institutes of Health found that 500 to 700 bacteria can live in the human mouth, with an individual harboring 250 to 300 at any given time. Think about that the next time you want to French kiss. If the whole thing was not so amazingly crazy and magnificent the engineering feat balancing act alone would scare the hell out of us.
Is it any wonder that when we are moving at 67,000 Mph and 1000 mph respectively that the atmosphere, the tectonics plates and the seas that cover 70 percent of our planet don’t just erupt in a massive symphony of confusion and destroy the whole Earth and us with it? But God …see there is always the God factor, but God so loved us that He gave and gave and gave. He gave us protection when we didn’t even deserve it. Maybe it’s time to give back with a little thanks of our own for all His Divine protection, even to us who didn’t believe He existed or we became a professional ignorer of God like I did for the first 26 years of my life?
Email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz or call him direct at 1-951-357-2103
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to his business profile at: http://www.docoliver.biz
# # #
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder: The New Enlightenment Project©2020
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545,
For Immediate Release
April 5th, 2020
The Devil Made Me Do It:
Who or What Made the Coronavirus?
By: Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
PhD, MA, BA in: IO/Clinical Psychology, Theology, & Marketing
Hemet, California: Remember TV Star Flip Wilson? Every time he got caught at something he shouldn’t be doing his famous salvation line was: The Devil Made Me Do It. We as humans on the planet Earth hate getting caught at a wrong-doing. So we normally, on a typical day, shift the blame…it’s a matter of survival right? When my wife Diane and I get up in the morning and we find some overnight catastrophe in the kitchen, we always consider blaming our beloved cats: Q & T …OK you little Feline Foul-ups, WHO messed up now? Or if we could, we would like to blame the phantom visitor who came in during the night …or maybe the butler who we don’t even have. It couldn’t be OUR fault …or did we leave something out? Did we set ourselves up for an accident waiting to happen?
On Friday March 3rd, there was a strong earthquake in Hemet California. It didn’t bring down our house or rattle our teeth, but we could feel the shake for about 3 seconds. It was a little scary for a few seconds because it was much stronger than us. We were just innocent bystanders. However as long-term Californians, we kinda get use to earthquakes with comments like: No big deal right? But an earthquake on top of the coronavirus: HEY, NO FAIR, TIME OUT!!!
So where did the coronavirus come from? Who or what caused it? Is it possible to even answer that question? I know of people who have blamed it on China. They believe that it is some kind of Chinese biological warfare. Although we know that biological warfare exist; are the Chinese leadership truly responsible for this plague? Would they really use their own people as Guinea Pigs, killing off thousands of their own people to get to America and the World? Would the Chinese really kill off America, their best economic trading partner? At times it seems like they might dislike us but it also looks to me like they need us or at least need our money. Don’t we buy billions of dollars of ‘Made in China’ goods? Don’t US Companies manufacture many things for Americans in China? I am sure we can twist the situation around in our favor and point our American finger at the Chinese people? But are there truly immutable facts that show their guilt? Are they really to blame?
Some people, particularly religious people often believe that somehow the Devil is behind the whole thing? But is that really possible? Does the Devil actually have the scientific knowledge, engineering power and global cooperation to pull off a coronavirus? If he could actually do this, why didn’t he just destroy the human race 5,000+ years ago?
Here is what we know about the Devil according to Holy Scripture: He exists on the Earth or at times in the heavens above the Earth, as a person; He is not God nor does he have God’s powers. He once was a high-ranking angel in Heaven - the anointed cherub that covers, originally named Lucifer. He was beautiful and most likely lead worship and singing in Heaven. He was perfect when he was created until iniquity was found in him. As a top-flight angel he once had a throne on the Earth. He was removed from his position in Heaven when he tried to incite rebellion in Heaven and tried to overthrow God. He seduced 1/3 of all the angels in Heaven to fight and war against God. Lucifer was renamed Satan by God, which means deceiver. Since he and his fallen angels have been judged guilty but not yet incarcerated, his/their focus is on the human race; God’s pride and joy of all His creation. In Satan's confusion, delusion and deception he still believes he can take over not only the Earth but all its people. Fat Chance!!!
But we also know that at Calvary’s cross and with and through the atonement and the blood of Jesus, The Lord Jesus Christ defeated him and took away any authority or power that Satan had stolen from the human race. From that time on, the only weapon he has and retains until this day is deception. That is it. At the end of the 7,000 year Earth Lease, the whole world will see Satan for what he really is and will say: Is this the worm who deceived the whole Earth? Is this the guy we were actually afraid of? A worm doesn’t have much power and certainly not much majesty or honor.
Creating a coronavirus would require great biological, chemical, molecular, and engineering skills and great knowhow power. Plus what do you use for building material? Did the coronavirus just evolve? If so can we prove it through the fossil record? Are there geologic examples from history and the fossil record that show thousands of starts and failure experiments that eventually lead to the completed and successful coronavirus structure and DNA? Who taught the corona to seek out a healthy host cell’s nucleus and rewrite its DNA blueprint and cell instructions and pirate it? Are there fossil record examples of mutation after mutation that brought forth the corona? Not really. Is it possible that when the Earth changed from its perfect pristine created condition to a contaminated state when death entered into the Earth and into the human race that some biological, botanical and zoological DNA factors were altered and bacteria and viruses were at that time created?
Lastly we know that God is totally good and totally a God of love. But He is a Father and as a Father there are times when He must, for our own good, exercise discipline and allow corrective measures and occurrences to happen, particularly when we as human get out of line and threaten the existence of the human race …and ourselves.
Remember the sacred words of Jesus Christ when He said: In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Here we are on a privileged water planet moving in orbit around a massive nuclear gas and plasma sun-ball G2V type star heated to 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and by the way, moving at approximately 67,000 mph. We are rotating on our axis at approximately 1000 mph during that same orbit with a moon orbiting around us. At the center of the Earth is the core, which has two parts; the solid inner core of iron surrounded by a liquid, an outer core composed of a nickel-iron alloy. If that was not enough, red hot liquid magma covers the core with a crust of tectonic plates that float on the mantel …and here we are sitting on top of it all eating a quesadilla with extra hot sauce. Regarding bacteria in us or around us: A study by the National Institutes of Health found that 500 to 700 bacteria can live in the human mouth, with an individual harboring 250 to 300 at any given time. Think about that the next time you want to French kiss. If the whole thing was not so amazingly crazy and magnificent the engineering feat balancing act alone would scare the hell out of us.
Is it any wonder that when we are moving at 67,000 Mph and 1000 mph respectively that the atmosphere, the tectonics plates and the seas that cover 70 percent of our planet don’t just erupt in a massive symphony of confusion and destroy the whole Earth and us with it? But God …see there is always the God factor, but God so loved us that He gave and gave and gave. He gave us protection when we didn’t even deserve it. Maybe it’s time to give back with a little thanks of our own for all His Divine protection, even to us who didn’t believe He existed or we became a professional ignorer of God like I did for the first 26 years of my life?
Email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz or call him direct at 1-951-357-2103
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to his business profile at: http://www.docoliver.biz
# # #
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder: The New Enlightenment Project©2020
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545,

For Immediate Release
April 3, 2020
If I Get a Little Religion
Will God Protect Me From Coronavirus?
By: Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
Hemet, California: “Most of us in the human race don’t like thinking about catastrophes. What we dislike even more is preparing for them. Why? Because it is really uncomfortable to imagine what sneaky little disaster might come our way …with all of its negative ramifications and hurt.
Most of us would rather just hope a calamity doesn’t come. However if it does, many of us think: Well, I will just deal with it when it comes, expect to ride it out and win because I am so dog-gone tough. After all, we are Americans and have that American Ingenuity Spirit right? This is often our “enlightened” solution and approach to real trouble.
When the coronavirus came how many of us were well prepared? Most of us were trying to just survive life with all of the daily onslaughts that come our way. Many of us, if we have any knowledge of God or even the smallest of a relationship, see that tiny glimmer of religiosity manifest on some religious holiday.
Because we don’t want to appear to be a religious fanatic, we avoid much religious training, and just trying to blend into our society as best we can. God forbid that we would openly talk about God in public. Perish the thought.
But how does God see our situation? Well, He knows that like with Murphy’s Law, what can happen to a human being most likely will happen. Fortunately, with His foreknowledge and massive patience and power, He is able to devise cleaver methodologies of trying to reach us and pull us out of the ditch. For most human we are most receptive when things have totally fallen apart and it looks like we are about to go down for the third time and drown.
Winston Churchill is reported to have said about Americans: “You can always count on Americans to do the right thing …after they have tried everything else. That is kinda the way we are with God; He is usually are LAST RESORT!!!
So how about getting just enough religion to keep the big bad coronavirus away from our door? Would God jump on the band-wagon and give us a helping hand? O-come on God, I know we have had a few disagreements, sure we have misbehaved a little, transgressed a little, maybe totally ignored you except when we have run out of other options, but come on God, be a Pal. We’ve got a serious problem here God. Can’t You just let bygones be bygones?
What God is looking for in order to get His Divine help and protection is faith in Him. Not man-made religion, not religious exercises, not a bundle of dough-ray-me thrown reluctantly into the offering plate, and certainly not crawling on broken glass with Bermuda shorts, but faith which is defined as TRUST in Him.
God wants a relationship, not an emergency ATM transaction. He wants us to get to know Him as a son or a daughter should know his or her Beloved Father. He wants us to trust Him enough to not only come to Him in emergencies, but to actually allow Him to help us become the person we were created to be.
For us, as we travel the roads of life, we keep getting snookered by distractions. Our own human body and its wild desires keep driving us up to the edge of the cliff. The glitter of Hollywood, Vegas or NYC money keeps seducing us. Because God loves us He wants to protect us, not only from the Big Bad Wolf, but from the Big Bad Coronavirus …and a jillion other things. Anyone on board for that?
But can’t we just fake a little religion for a while, you know, just fake it until we make it …at least until the storm blows over? Nope, no-way-San Jose. God has understood scams and con artist from the beginning. And He can spot a hypocrite from a million miles away. Bottom line: He can’t be fooled so don’t waste your time. If we want His help we need to come clean, tell it like it is and level with The Man Upstairs. God, I need to make an appointment.
Yea, but suppose we don’t believe in Him. Suppose we don’t want anyone telling us what to do? Suppose we don’t even like God. Suppose we are carrying a grudge against Him? Well then buddy-boy; knock yourself out because with that fatal mentality, you are on your own. Hope you enjoy the ride. Don’t forget your Dramamine. This ride could get really, really rough.”
Email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz or call him direct at 1-951-357-2103
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to his business profile at: http://www.docoliver.biz
# # #
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project©20120
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545, 951-357-2103
For Immediate Release
April 3, 2020
If I Get a Little Religion
Will God Protect Me From Coronavirus?
By: Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
Hemet, California: “Most of us in the human race don’t like thinking about catastrophes. What we dislike even more is preparing for them. Why? Because it is really uncomfortable to imagine what sneaky little disaster might come our way …with all of its negative ramifications and hurt.
Most of us would rather just hope a calamity doesn’t come. However if it does, many of us think: Well, I will just deal with it when it comes, expect to ride it out and win because I am so dog-gone tough. After all, we are Americans and have that American Ingenuity Spirit right? This is often our “enlightened” solution and approach to real trouble.
When the coronavirus came how many of us were well prepared? Most of us were trying to just survive life with all of the daily onslaughts that come our way. Many of us, if we have any knowledge of God or even the smallest of a relationship, see that tiny glimmer of religiosity manifest on some religious holiday.
Because we don’t want to appear to be a religious fanatic, we avoid much religious training, and just trying to blend into our society as best we can. God forbid that we would openly talk about God in public. Perish the thought.
But how does God see our situation? Well, He knows that like with Murphy’s Law, what can happen to a human being most likely will happen. Fortunately, with His foreknowledge and massive patience and power, He is able to devise cleaver methodologies of trying to reach us and pull us out of the ditch. For most human we are most receptive when things have totally fallen apart and it looks like we are about to go down for the third time and drown.
Winston Churchill is reported to have said about Americans: “You can always count on Americans to do the right thing …after they have tried everything else. That is kinda the way we are with God; He is usually are LAST RESORT!!!
So how about getting just enough religion to keep the big bad coronavirus away from our door? Would God jump on the band-wagon and give us a helping hand? O-come on God, I know we have had a few disagreements, sure we have misbehaved a little, transgressed a little, maybe totally ignored you except when we have run out of other options, but come on God, be a Pal. We’ve got a serious problem here God. Can’t You just let bygones be bygones?
What God is looking for in order to get His Divine help and protection is faith in Him. Not man-made religion, not religious exercises, not a bundle of dough-ray-me thrown reluctantly into the offering plate, and certainly not crawling on broken glass with Bermuda shorts, but faith which is defined as TRUST in Him.
God wants a relationship, not an emergency ATM transaction. He wants us to get to know Him as a son or a daughter should know his or her Beloved Father. He wants us to trust Him enough to not only come to Him in emergencies, but to actually allow Him to help us become the person we were created to be.
For us, as we travel the roads of life, we keep getting snookered by distractions. Our own human body and its wild desires keep driving us up to the edge of the cliff. The glitter of Hollywood, Vegas or NYC money keeps seducing us. Because God loves us He wants to protect us, not only from the Big Bad Wolf, but from the Big Bad Coronavirus …and a jillion other things. Anyone on board for that?
But can’t we just fake a little religion for a while, you know, just fake it until we make it …at least until the storm blows over? Nope, no-way-San Jose. God has understood scams and con artist from the beginning. And He can spot a hypocrite from a million miles away. Bottom line: He can’t be fooled so don’t waste your time. If we want His help we need to come clean, tell it like it is and level with The Man Upstairs. God, I need to make an appointment.
Yea, but suppose we don’t believe in Him. Suppose we don’t want anyone telling us what to do? Suppose we don’t even like God. Suppose we are carrying a grudge against Him? Well then buddy-boy; knock yourself out because with that fatal mentality, you are on your own. Hope you enjoy the ride. Don’t forget your Dramamine. This ride could get really, really rough.”
Email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz or call him direct at 1-951-357-2103
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to his business profile at: http://www.docoliver.biz
# # #
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project©20120
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545, 951-357-2103

For Immediate Release
April 2, 2020
Is Coronavirus a Literal Biblical Plague?
How Can You Know for Certain?
By: Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
Hemet, California, March 31st, 2020: As of today, Americans and Citizens Worldwide have fearfully and shockingly seen the powerful affects both on our own physical health conditions, (with mortality rates increasing daily) and on shut-down economies with a loss of income …and in many areas depleted grocery store shelves. There is one more important question we need to ask ourselves as we seek an answer and a cure for this Pandemic: Is the Coronavirus a Literal Biblical Plague? Is that even a realistic possibility in the year 2020? Do we dare even entertain that thought?
With that concept in mind, are we using the best methodology to stop the virus? As a triple-major PhD, Board Certified Counselor with over 40 years’ experience and as a Lifetime-Certified science & chemistry teacher, I fully support every procedure and preventive step – including a rapid and immediate science fact-based pursuit of antiviral therapies – that our Local, State and Federal Governments and the Medical Community as well as private sector Pharmaceutical Companies are using to protect people and stop the spread of this deadly killer. Also let us not forget our Elected Representatives who fought for an economic stimulus package to assist Americans during this challenging time.
As a quick science review: If you understand how a virus works: you know that the DNA instructions and blueprint within the virus is programed to seek out and find healthy host-cells. Next, through the prongs we see on the exterior of the coronavirus body, it inserts enzymes/chemical messengers, into the nucleus of the host’s healthy cell’s receptors, eventually commandeering the existing DNA controlled brain-center and rewriting the DNA instructions into a deadly game plan. At this point the coronavirus is pirating the existing cell’s operating components and cannibalizing the healthy cell for its own fatal strategy. The next evil step for coronavirus is to move on to the other healthy cells and repeat the same wicked procedure over and over and over until it is either killed by our body’s immune-warfare system or the patient dies.
But what about this Biblical plague theory? Is that scenario even possible in our modern scientific age? I thought that if there is a God, He was love? If it is a Biblical plague, why doesn’t He stop it? Well, allow me to put on my Theologian hat for a moment and let’s look at these statements and their truths, implications and parameters.
Having attended and graduated from Seminary in 1989 and studied theology and the ways of God for 49 years, I believe if you allow me, that I can provide some insight that is based 100% on the Holy Bible and science and almost 75 years of living on Planet Earth. Here are some interesting and life changing facts which if applied can bring marvelous protection and miraculous results into our personal and family life regarding the coronavirus and what to do about it.
FACT #1: God is All-Knowing, All-Powerful and Omni-Present, having no boundaries of time or space. His most prominent characteristic is unconditional love. He doesn’t just have love He is love. Everything He does is motivated by love for mankind.
FACT #2: We live in a parallel universe where we have a bandwidth limitation on our eyes, ears and 5 physical senses. This bandwidth prevents us from seeing everything in the spiritual realm that is right next to us.
FACT #3: God operates in the 6th dimension and beyond, in that parallel universe, and is fully aware of the minutest detail of our world and our own personal lives. He fully understands every aspect of the future and our future.
FACT #4: God has given us free-will and because of that free-will gift, He restricts Himself to what He will do and won’t. He wants us to walk in love but won’t force us to love Him or each other.
FACT #5: As the Ultimate and Supreme Father, He has set up certain rules designed to give us not only protection and the best Parental example, but life and life more abundantly. This world is not all there is. Eternity awaits us.
FACT #6: We are personally an eternal spirit-being with an inward molecular structure moving at the speed of light. However our temporary mortal 5 physical-sense body is not only a housing for our human spirit, but a temporary Earth suit that is highly subject to aging, sickness, disease and death.
FACT #7: There are spiritual laws and spiritual activities that govern and supersede the natural laws we observe with our 5 physical senses.
FACT #8: Like any normal parent God expects from us, respect, maturity and honor in order to get His assistance and help.
FACT #9: The human race has a poor track record with God consisting mainly of: rebellion, hatred, disrespect, dishonor, unbelief and trying to manipulate God for our own personal selfish temporal motives.
FACT #10: God has been lovingly providing protection for our world from the background, but at this time in our existence He is beginning to remove some of that protection, not all mind you, but definitely some protections. In our world we are seeing a convergence and a simultaneous increase in negative activities: i.e. increase drug addictions, weird weather, unusual tectonic plate shifts, increase in earthquakes, tsunami and rogue wave size increase, sickness and diseases without easy cures, terrorist radicalization, increased crime, political disunity, and general economic and society breakdown, etc., etc.
FACT #11: Are there any verifiable historic incidents where God has been known to use plagues to alter human behavior? Yes, a number of examples in the Old Testament, specifically when the Israelites were being held captive in Egypt and God sent 10 super deadly plagues to free His people.
FACT #12: Is there any place in the New Testament where the Founder of The Christian Religion, Jesus Christ Himself specially warned humans about plagues being used as a corrective device? Yes, The Book of Luke Chapter 21 and of course in The Book of Revelation.
Imagine this if you will: You have a son who walks up to you, flips you the bird, says F-U Pops, get out of my life and stay out. I don’t want to hear anything you have to say and stop trying to influence my personal life, my family, my job and work, my city, state, nation and my world. Then as that same unthankful wretch, arrogantly stomps to the door of your house he says: And by the way, I am going out with my friends tonight I need $100. So cough it up Pops.
How would you respond that that ungrateful kid? If you gave them money it would be the worst thing you could do.
Many of us worldwide have been telling God: Get Lost God! Don’t tell me anything. I can get along without you just fine. Or we have been very effectively just ignoring Him, acting like He doesn’t exist or like He is not even there. So God is saying: Ok Wisenheimer, if you think you can protect yourself against this little tiny deadly virus, then have at it Jack. Let see just how powerful you really are?
Final thought: God wants to help us with the coronavirus and everything else; however He only operates as a Respected Gifter. We can’t earn it. And we certainly don’t deserve it. But we can, like the punk kid at the door, turn around and say Dad or Mom, I have been really selfish, I have been a Jerk and I have really been unthankful. I know I don’t deserve your help but I really need it. I need help not just in solving my current problem but I need You to change me on the inside. Based on my own track-record, it is obvious I can’t do it myself. So please help me, while help is still available from You …I know the clock is ticking on my mortal life and I only have so much time. Don’t let me blow it!!!
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project©20120
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545,
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For Immediate Release
April 17, 2019
Pain Killers, Money Makers, Crime Spreader, Incarcerators?
Hemet, California: A UN study recently called for drugs and substance abuse to be treated as a health problem and not just a legal problem …and a costly war on drugs. It is often reported that the United States has more men and women locked up in jail or prison over drug charges than any other nation. Now many US States hungering and hurting for tax income dollars are exploring the revenue possibilities through the legalization of marijuana. Will the drug cartels and underworld allow entrepreneurs to cut in on their profit? Does marijuana impair judgement and alter short term memory capabilities? Dr. Martin Oliver, PhD, BCPC has studied the social and psychological effects of drug use for over 47 years and believes that the dependent use of drugs whether legal or illegal must not only be treated as a health issue, but must also be addressed at its root cause within the human being …why do people want to get STONED???
“Drugs are pain killers and when people are in pain over their personal lives, or just bored or maybe trying to look cool in front of their friends, they will inevitably turn to drugs to kill the pain.” Dr. Oliver also believes that the sale of illegal drugs not only provide a source of income to sellers who have failed at other employment attempts, but also acts as a temporary void and vacuum filler towards emptiness and unfulfillment relating to: money pressures, personal goals, employment disappointments, sexuality confusion, dashed dreams, dysfunctional families and spiritual voids. “As our world becomes more uncertain and dangerous, the natural go-to quick-fixes are pain killers. Dr. Oliver, Founder of The New Enlightenment Project, announced that his procedure not only unravels the root causes for drug addiction on a brain science level, but provides the instant internal power for transformation through a 4-hour seminar and interactive therapy.
“I have studied illegal drug and substance use and drug behavior in a variety of people going back to 1958. I have personally watched the negative side effects that drugs have on work ethic, world view change, motivation, perception and families. At the heart of almost every person I have studied was a personal belief that drugs were the right thing to take at the moment. Then a psychological downward spiral and physical, mental and emotional dependency developed. Justification over the rightness of drug use became their mantra once hooked. I have applied the New Enlightenment Project Therapy to many clients and it totally works,” said Dr. Oliver
After 47 years of human behavior transformation research, Dr. Oliver believes he has found this permanent therapeutic cure to prevent drug addiction and substance abuse. This extraordinary painless therapy takes only 4 hours to administer. Dr. Oliver says: “Unfortunately today’s examples shown in the UN Report, show again that within every human, installed at conception and located within the human spirit, are the seeds of drug addiction and substance abuse. We all hate that thought, but unfortunately it is still true and can be verified through our painful daily news. Even our DNA is coded with the dormant seeds for drug addiction and substance abuse, awaiting epigenetic activation. All it takes are circumstances and factors that cause it to come to the surface.” The good news says Dr. Martin Oliver, is that those tendencies and forces can be painlessly removed before they escalate into full-blown drug addiction, substance abuse, crime and death.
“Up until now, all human efforts have addressed everything but the root cause”, said Dr. Oliver today. “I know how to permanently remove the inward forces that cause drug addiction and substance abuse, as they travel from the human spirit, through the soul an internet highway to the brain and then form toxic brain neurons and dendrites, flooding the body with toxic chemical mixtures,” continued Oliver. Dr. Oliver’s New Enlightenment Project ©2019 cost is $10K/hour (for groups) and $300/hour (for individuals) with a 4 hour minimum, plus travel cost. There is no limit on the group size.
Dr. Martin Oliver said in an interview today that his New Enlightenment Project ©2019, is: non-invasive, non-surgical, uses no drugs, no hypnotism, has no negative side effects, and no hangover. It is safe and appropriate for men, women and children worldwide in a business, government, educational or family setting. The process requires a 4 hour seminar for introduction, explanation and painless application to each group, small or large. Email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz or call him direct at 1-951-357-2103
Dr. Oliver's international specialties are aimed at showing individuals, the police department, companies, school districts, ngo's, non-profits, the military and governments how to receive a permanent cure for: drug addiction and substance abuse, murderous ethnic hostility, disunity, religious and ethnic prejudice, terrorism, crime, sabotage, corruption, gender inequality workplace violence, tardiness, work lethargy, malingering, disloyalty, intellectual property rights theft, falsification of records, skimming, unthankfulness, character corruption, hidden agendas, selfishness, bullying, intimidation, training resistance, lack of creativity, disinformation, as well as natural resource domination paranoia.
Dr. Oliver’s qualifications include: 47 year’s personal experience with 80 companies representing 38 Industries as well as public and private US schools, the United States Military and numerous private practice counseling clients. Dr. Oliver, a Vietnam Vet, earned his PhD, M.A., B.A., B.C.P.C., in Industrial Organizational and Clinical Psychology, Business Marketing and Theology/World Religion studies (1972-1989). He is the author of 27 books on Amazon & Createspace (18 in International Languages), and 9 Audio books on Audible.Com. He has been a personal counselor and management consultant since 1978. He is Board Certified by The International Board of Christian Counselors and The Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counselors both of Forest Virginia, USA. Find out what Dr. Oliver can do for you or your organization today.
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to his business profile at: http://www.docoliver.biz
# # #
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, BCPC
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project © 2014
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545, 951-357-2103 docoliver@docoliver.biz
For Immediate Release
April 17, 2019
Pain Killers, Money Makers, Crime Spreader, Incarcerators?
Hemet, California: A UN study recently called for drugs and substance abuse to be treated as a health problem and not just a legal problem …and a costly war on drugs. It is often reported that the United States has more men and women locked up in jail or prison over drug charges than any other nation. Now many US States hungering and hurting for tax income dollars are exploring the revenue possibilities through the legalization of marijuana. Will the drug cartels and underworld allow entrepreneurs to cut in on their profit? Does marijuana impair judgement and alter short term memory capabilities? Dr. Martin Oliver, PhD, BCPC has studied the social and psychological effects of drug use for over 47 years and believes that the dependent use of drugs whether legal or illegal must not only be treated as a health issue, but must also be addressed at its root cause within the human being …why do people want to get STONED???
“Drugs are pain killers and when people are in pain over their personal lives, or just bored or maybe trying to look cool in front of their friends, they will inevitably turn to drugs to kill the pain.” Dr. Oliver also believes that the sale of illegal drugs not only provide a source of income to sellers who have failed at other employment attempts, but also acts as a temporary void and vacuum filler towards emptiness and unfulfillment relating to: money pressures, personal goals, employment disappointments, sexuality confusion, dashed dreams, dysfunctional families and spiritual voids. “As our world becomes more uncertain and dangerous, the natural go-to quick-fixes are pain killers. Dr. Oliver, Founder of The New Enlightenment Project, announced that his procedure not only unravels the root causes for drug addiction on a brain science level, but provides the instant internal power for transformation through a 4-hour seminar and interactive therapy.
“I have studied illegal drug and substance use and drug behavior in a variety of people going back to 1958. I have personally watched the negative side effects that drugs have on work ethic, world view change, motivation, perception and families. At the heart of almost every person I have studied was a personal belief that drugs were the right thing to take at the moment. Then a psychological downward spiral and physical, mental and emotional dependency developed. Justification over the rightness of drug use became their mantra once hooked. I have applied the New Enlightenment Project Therapy to many clients and it totally works,” said Dr. Oliver
After 47 years of human behavior transformation research, Dr. Oliver believes he has found this permanent therapeutic cure to prevent drug addiction and substance abuse. This extraordinary painless therapy takes only 4 hours to administer. Dr. Oliver says: “Unfortunately today’s examples shown in the UN Report, show again that within every human, installed at conception and located within the human spirit, are the seeds of drug addiction and substance abuse. We all hate that thought, but unfortunately it is still true and can be verified through our painful daily news. Even our DNA is coded with the dormant seeds for drug addiction and substance abuse, awaiting epigenetic activation. All it takes are circumstances and factors that cause it to come to the surface.” The good news says Dr. Martin Oliver, is that those tendencies and forces can be painlessly removed before they escalate into full-blown drug addiction, substance abuse, crime and death.
“Up until now, all human efforts have addressed everything but the root cause”, said Dr. Oliver today. “I know how to permanently remove the inward forces that cause drug addiction and substance abuse, as they travel from the human spirit, through the soul an internet highway to the brain and then form toxic brain neurons and dendrites, flooding the body with toxic chemical mixtures,” continued Oliver. Dr. Oliver’s New Enlightenment Project ©2019 cost is $10K/hour (for groups) and $300/hour (for individuals) with a 4 hour minimum, plus travel cost. There is no limit on the group size.
Dr. Martin Oliver said in an interview today that his New Enlightenment Project ©2019, is: non-invasive, non-surgical, uses no drugs, no hypnotism, has no negative side effects, and no hangover. It is safe and appropriate for men, women and children worldwide in a business, government, educational or family setting. The process requires a 4 hour seminar for introduction, explanation and painless application to each group, small or large. Email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz or call him direct at 1-951-357-2103
Dr. Oliver's international specialties are aimed at showing individuals, the police department, companies, school districts, ngo's, non-profits, the military and governments how to receive a permanent cure for: drug addiction and substance abuse, murderous ethnic hostility, disunity, religious and ethnic prejudice, terrorism, crime, sabotage, corruption, gender inequality workplace violence, tardiness, work lethargy, malingering, disloyalty, intellectual property rights theft, falsification of records, skimming, unthankfulness, character corruption, hidden agendas, selfishness, bullying, intimidation, training resistance, lack of creativity, disinformation, as well as natural resource domination paranoia.
Dr. Oliver’s qualifications include: 47 year’s personal experience with 80 companies representing 38 Industries as well as public and private US schools, the United States Military and numerous private practice counseling clients. Dr. Oliver, a Vietnam Vet, earned his PhD, M.A., B.A., B.C.P.C., in Industrial Organizational and Clinical Psychology, Business Marketing and Theology/World Religion studies (1972-1989). He is the author of 27 books on Amazon & Createspace (18 in International Languages), and 9 Audio books on Audible.Com. He has been a personal counselor and management consultant since 1978. He is Board Certified by The International Board of Christian Counselors and The Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counselors both of Forest Virginia, USA. Find out what Dr. Oliver can do for you or your organization today.
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to his business profile at: http://www.docoliver.biz
# # #
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, BCPC
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project © 2014
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545, 951-357-2103 docoliver@docoliver.biz
For Immediate Release
June 20, 2018
Are US Policies Causing Children’s Brain Damage?
LOOK: Inside the Mind of an Illegal- Immigrant Child
By: Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, BCPC-Founder New Enlightenment Project
12th Generation American, Son of the American Revolution, Vietnam War Veteran
Hemet, California: For the child whether a new-born or a growing to maturity youngster, illegal or legal immigration planning begins like this: The parent or parents spends long hours and maybe days thinking or if safe, talking about, a change of country, the travel risks, the money needed, employment, the dangers of staying in a unsafe home city, the loss of family and friends and the probability of sneaking into or gaining asylum in the United States. Once a final decision is made the children must be told something. Do you tell them why you are leaving, how long the trip will take, possibly deprivations of food and water, perhaps exploitations and whether the entire journey will be for nothing if you die in the wilderness or can’t get through the border? What you say to your child is based on what you believe they can stand.
But what is going on in the mind of the child? Regardless of the age every child knows something questionable is going on. Based on the parental mind-set, preparations, and instructions from the parent, the child is either apprehensive, worried, fearful or trusting. Based on how well the child lived in their prior environment and how well they were provided for in the midst of a major change, the child begins processing words, sights, sounds, stress-hormone feeling and prior memories. Information moves from the child’s human spirit, through their soul – an internet expressway to the brain – and finally into their brain. Information and experiences, sights and sounds, and evaluations are processed by the thalamus, the hypothalamus, the amygdala, the hippo-campus and finally by the pituitary gland. Through a series of evaluation stations and chemical coding procedures, the trauma associated with a journey of illegal immigration then forms memories through brain neurons and dendrites. Finally the trauma of that illegal immigration experience situation and experience is recorded for transportation as a chemical code into every one of the 100 trillion cells in the body where the event will be written out in the DNA sequence code and begin to influence future abilities, feelings and beliefs.
So if you believe that children and their parents are not being effected by what is going on with our current battle over immigration then you are totally wrong” says Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, BCPC and founder of The New Enlightenment Project a 4 hour human behavior transformation therapy.
Today the Federal Government is embroiled in immigration discussions. The Republicans don’t like the Democrats and the Democrats don’t like the Republicans and the President waivers back and forth about his allegiance to either party based on keeping his base happy and being reelected. Just another happy day in Washington?
If the Leaders cannot get along where does that leave the governed when it comes to immigration policies and a myriad of other important issues? Politicians are in a mess: they are paid to represent their constituents. If their constituents are embroiled in strife, discontent and arguments it puts their Congressional Representatives and Senators between a rock and a hard place. In fact the worse the contention between the governed the more their Representatives are hamstrung in negotiations.
Whereas there should be warm congenial friendships in Congress, in “Washington’s World” there are icy relationships, disunity and standoffs. Is Washington just a microcosm of the fact that humans cannot coexist and treat each other with civility? Has the time come for The New Enlightenment Project to help Congress unify and solve the immigration problem once and for all? Dr. Martin W. Oliver says YES!
After 47 years of human behavior transformation research, Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, BCPC, Founder of The New Enlightenment Project and Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, believes he has found a permanent therapeutic cure to prevent dysfunctional and log-jamming disunity.
This extraordinary painless therapy takes only 4 hours to administer. Dr. Oliver says: “Unfortunately recent examples in the hallowed halls of our precious US Congress show again that within every human, installed through 46 DNA coded chromosomes and placed into the first bodily cell immediately after conception and finally moving through a process of osmotic action (by which molecules of a chemical coded solvent tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a more concentrated solution to a less concentrated solution, thus equalizing the concentrations on each side of the membrane) that manifest in disruptive and unhealthy DNA behavioral forces located within the body now becoming observable and visible in the highly influential human spirit of all mankind, both male and female, young and old. These behavioral forces are the seeds of mankind's dysfunction, disunity, dishonesty, hatred and bitter ethnic rivalries.
We all hate that thought, but unfortunately it is still true and can be verified through our painful daily news. Especially as I said, our DNA that is coded with these dormant seeds for disunity, are awaiting epigenetic activation through our thoughts, words and deeds. All it takes are circumstances and factors that cause our malcontent to come to the surface …like crying children being ripped from their illegal immigrant parents.” The good news says Dr. Martin Oliver, is that those tendencies and software forces can be painlessly removed before they escalate into dysfunctional and log-jamming world-disunity and anarchy.
“The American people are frustrated, irritated, depressed and often deeply fearful about their own personal security and the Congressional wrong decision spillover effect and seeming inability to govern. Up until now, all human efforts have addressed everything but the root cause”, said Dr. Oliver today in a special interview. “I know how to permanently remove the inward software forces that cause political disunity, animosity and hatred as they travel from the human spirit, through the soul an internet highway to the brain and then form toxic brain neurons and dendrites, flooding the body with toxic chemical mixtures causing massive stress, bodily breakdown and healthcare calamities,” continued Oliver.
Dr. Oliver is the Founder of Dr. Oliver’s Consultations and The New Enlightenment Project ©2014 a 4 hour seminar solution to the problem of disunity. Seminar cost is $10K/hr. (for groups) and $300/hour (for individuals) with a 4 hr. minimum, plus travel cost. With Congresses ability to consistently spend billions of dollars of tax-payer money, is it possible they could spend a measly $40K to solve their own disunity problem? There is no limit on the group size and Republicans, Democrats, Independents and Progressives are all welcome.
Dr. Martin Oliver said in an interview today that his New Enlightenment Project ©2014, is: non-invasive, non-surgical, uses no drugs, no hypnotism, has no negative side effects and no hangover …and is politically neutral! It is safe and appropriate for men, women and children worldwide in a business, government, educational or family setting. The process requires a 4 hour seminar for introduction, explanation and painless application to each group, small or large. Email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz
Dr. Oliver's international specialties are aimed at showing individuals, the police department, companies, school districts, ngo's, non-profits, the military and governments how to receive a permanent cure for: disunity, religious and ethnic prejudice, terrorism, crime, sabotage, corruption, gender inequality workplace violence, tardiness, work lethargy, malingering, disloyalty, intellectual property rights theft, falsification of records, skimming, unthankfulness, character corruption, hidden agendas, selfishness, bullying, intimidation, training resistance, lack of creativity, disinformation, alcohol & drug abuse, as well as natural resource domination paranoia.
Dr. Oliver’s qualifications include: 38 year’s personal experience with 80 companies representing 38 Industries as well as numerous private practice counseling clients. Dr. Oliver, a 12th Generation American, a Son of the American Revolution and a decorated Vietnam Vet 1966-1970, earned his PhD, M.A., B.A., B.C.P.C., in Industrial Organizational and Clinical Psychology, Business Marketing and Theology/World Religion studies (1972-1989). He is the author of 27 books on Amazon & Createspace (18 in International Languages), and 9 Audio books on Audible.Com. He has been a personal counselor and management consultant since 1978. He is Board Certified by The International Board of Christian Counselors and The Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counselors both of Forest Virginia, USA. Find out what Dr. Oliver can do for you or your organization today.
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to his business profile at: http://www.docoliver.biz
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, BCPC
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project © 2014
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
# # #
For Immediate Release
June 20, 2018
Are US Policies Causing Children’s Brain Damage?
LOOK: Inside the Mind of an Illegal- Immigrant Child
By: Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, BCPC-Founder New Enlightenment Project
12th Generation American, Son of the American Revolution, Vietnam War Veteran
Hemet, California: For the child whether a new-born or a growing to maturity youngster, illegal or legal immigration planning begins like this: The parent or parents spends long hours and maybe days thinking or if safe, talking about, a change of country, the travel risks, the money needed, employment, the dangers of staying in a unsafe home city, the loss of family and friends and the probability of sneaking into or gaining asylum in the United States. Once a final decision is made the children must be told something. Do you tell them why you are leaving, how long the trip will take, possibly deprivations of food and water, perhaps exploitations and whether the entire journey will be for nothing if you die in the wilderness or can’t get through the border? What you say to your child is based on what you believe they can stand.
But what is going on in the mind of the child? Regardless of the age every child knows something questionable is going on. Based on the parental mind-set, preparations, and instructions from the parent, the child is either apprehensive, worried, fearful or trusting. Based on how well the child lived in their prior environment and how well they were provided for in the midst of a major change, the child begins processing words, sights, sounds, stress-hormone feeling and prior memories. Information moves from the child’s human spirit, through their soul – an internet expressway to the brain – and finally into their brain. Information and experiences, sights and sounds, and evaluations are processed by the thalamus, the hypothalamus, the amygdala, the hippo-campus and finally by the pituitary gland. Through a series of evaluation stations and chemical coding procedures, the trauma associated with a journey of illegal immigration then forms memories through brain neurons and dendrites. Finally the trauma of that illegal immigration experience situation and experience is recorded for transportation as a chemical code into every one of the 100 trillion cells in the body where the event will be written out in the DNA sequence code and begin to influence future abilities, feelings and beliefs.
So if you believe that children and their parents are not being effected by what is going on with our current battle over immigration then you are totally wrong” says Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, BCPC and founder of The New Enlightenment Project a 4 hour human behavior transformation therapy.
Today the Federal Government is embroiled in immigration discussions. The Republicans don’t like the Democrats and the Democrats don’t like the Republicans and the President waivers back and forth about his allegiance to either party based on keeping his base happy and being reelected. Just another happy day in Washington?
If the Leaders cannot get along where does that leave the governed when it comes to immigration policies and a myriad of other important issues? Politicians are in a mess: they are paid to represent their constituents. If their constituents are embroiled in strife, discontent and arguments it puts their Congressional Representatives and Senators between a rock and a hard place. In fact the worse the contention between the governed the more their Representatives are hamstrung in negotiations.
Whereas there should be warm congenial friendships in Congress, in “Washington’s World” there are icy relationships, disunity and standoffs. Is Washington just a microcosm of the fact that humans cannot coexist and treat each other with civility? Has the time come for The New Enlightenment Project to help Congress unify and solve the immigration problem once and for all? Dr. Martin W. Oliver says YES!
After 47 years of human behavior transformation research, Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, BCPC, Founder of The New Enlightenment Project and Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, believes he has found a permanent therapeutic cure to prevent dysfunctional and log-jamming disunity.
This extraordinary painless therapy takes only 4 hours to administer. Dr. Oliver says: “Unfortunately recent examples in the hallowed halls of our precious US Congress show again that within every human, installed through 46 DNA coded chromosomes and placed into the first bodily cell immediately after conception and finally moving through a process of osmotic action (by which molecules of a chemical coded solvent tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a more concentrated solution to a less concentrated solution, thus equalizing the concentrations on each side of the membrane) that manifest in disruptive and unhealthy DNA behavioral forces located within the body now becoming observable and visible in the highly influential human spirit of all mankind, both male and female, young and old. These behavioral forces are the seeds of mankind's dysfunction, disunity, dishonesty, hatred and bitter ethnic rivalries.
We all hate that thought, but unfortunately it is still true and can be verified through our painful daily news. Especially as I said, our DNA that is coded with these dormant seeds for disunity, are awaiting epigenetic activation through our thoughts, words and deeds. All it takes are circumstances and factors that cause our malcontent to come to the surface …like crying children being ripped from their illegal immigrant parents.” The good news says Dr. Martin Oliver, is that those tendencies and software forces can be painlessly removed before they escalate into dysfunctional and log-jamming world-disunity and anarchy.
“The American people are frustrated, irritated, depressed and often deeply fearful about their own personal security and the Congressional wrong decision spillover effect and seeming inability to govern. Up until now, all human efforts have addressed everything but the root cause”, said Dr. Oliver today in a special interview. “I know how to permanently remove the inward software forces that cause political disunity, animosity and hatred as they travel from the human spirit, through the soul an internet highway to the brain and then form toxic brain neurons and dendrites, flooding the body with toxic chemical mixtures causing massive stress, bodily breakdown and healthcare calamities,” continued Oliver.
Dr. Oliver is the Founder of Dr. Oliver’s Consultations and The New Enlightenment Project ©2014 a 4 hour seminar solution to the problem of disunity. Seminar cost is $10K/hr. (for groups) and $300/hour (for individuals) with a 4 hr. minimum, plus travel cost. With Congresses ability to consistently spend billions of dollars of tax-payer money, is it possible they could spend a measly $40K to solve their own disunity problem? There is no limit on the group size and Republicans, Democrats, Independents and Progressives are all welcome.
Dr. Martin Oliver said in an interview today that his New Enlightenment Project ©2014, is: non-invasive, non-surgical, uses no drugs, no hypnotism, has no negative side effects and no hangover …and is politically neutral! It is safe and appropriate for men, women and children worldwide in a business, government, educational or family setting. The process requires a 4 hour seminar for introduction, explanation and painless application to each group, small or large. Email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz
Dr. Oliver's international specialties are aimed at showing individuals, the police department, companies, school districts, ngo's, non-profits, the military and governments how to receive a permanent cure for: disunity, religious and ethnic prejudice, terrorism, crime, sabotage, corruption, gender inequality workplace violence, tardiness, work lethargy, malingering, disloyalty, intellectual property rights theft, falsification of records, skimming, unthankfulness, character corruption, hidden agendas, selfishness, bullying, intimidation, training resistance, lack of creativity, disinformation, alcohol & drug abuse, as well as natural resource domination paranoia.
Dr. Oliver’s qualifications include: 38 year’s personal experience with 80 companies representing 38 Industries as well as numerous private practice counseling clients. Dr. Oliver, a 12th Generation American, a Son of the American Revolution and a decorated Vietnam Vet 1966-1970, earned his PhD, M.A., B.A., B.C.P.C., in Industrial Organizational and Clinical Psychology, Business Marketing and Theology/World Religion studies (1972-1989). He is the author of 27 books on Amazon & Createspace (18 in International Languages), and 9 Audio books on Audible.Com. He has been a personal counselor and management consultant since 1978. He is Board Certified by The International Board of Christian Counselors and The Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counselors both of Forest Virginia, USA. Find out what Dr. Oliver can do for you or your organization today.
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to his business profile at: http://www.docoliver.biz
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, BCPC
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project © 2014
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
# # #

For Immediate Release
January 22, 2018
GOV: Shutdowns, Strife, Stubbornness & Disunity
New Enlightenment Project 4-Hour Therapy Offers Immediate Solution
Hemet, CA: Today is day 2 plus 13 hours, 15 minutes and 23 seconds of the Federal Government shutdown. The Republicans don’t like the Democrats and the Democrats don’t like the Republicans and the President waivers back and forth about his allegiance to either party. Just another happy day in Washington?
If the Leaders cannot get along where does that leave the governed? Politicians are in a mess: they are paid to represent their constituents. If their constituents are embroiled in strife, discontent and arguments it puts their Congressional Representatives and Senators between a rock and a hard place. In fact the worse the contention between the governed the more their Representatives are hamstrung in negotiations.
Whereas there should be warm congenial friendships in Congress, in “Washington’s World” there are icy relationships, disunity and standoffs. Oy-Vey, what’s a Leader to do? Is Washington just a microcosm of the fact that humans cannot coexist and treat each other with civility? Has the time come for The New Enlightenment Project to help Congress unify? Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr says YES!
After 46 years of human behavior transformation research, Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, BCPC, Founder of The New Enlightenment Project and Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, believes he has found a permanent therapeutic cure to prevent dysfunctional and log-jamming disunity. This extraordinary painless therapy takes only 4 hours to administer. Dr. Oliver says: “Unfortunately recent examples in the hallowed halls of our precious US Congress, show again that within every human, installed at conception and located within the human spirit, are the seeds of dysfunction, disunity, dishonesty and bitter rivalry. We all hate that thought, but unfortunately it is still true and can be verified through our painful daily news. Even our DNA is coded with the dormant seeds for disunity, awaiting epigenetic activation. All it takes are circumstances and factors that cause it to come to the surface.” The good news says Dr. Martin Oliver, is that those tendencies and software forces can be painlessly removed before they escalate into dysfunctional and log-jamming disunity.
“The American people are frustrated, irritated, depressed and often deeply fearful about their own personal security and the Congressional spillover effect and more inability to govern. Up until now, all human efforts have addressed everything but the root cause”, said Dr. Oliver today in a special interview. “I know how to permanently remove the inward software forces that cause political disunity, animosity and hatred as they travel from the human spirit, through the soul an internet highway to the brain and then form toxic brain neurons and dendrites, flooding the body with toxic chemical mixtures,” continued Oliver. Dr. Oliver is the Founder of Dr. Oliver’s Consultations and The New Enlightenment Project ©2014 a 4 hour seminar solution to the problem of disunity. Seminar cost is $10K/hr. (for groups) and $300/hour (for individuals) with a 4 hr. minimum, plus travel cost. With Congresses ability to consistently spend billions of dollars of tax-payer money, is it possible they could spend a measly $40K to solve their own disunity problem? There is no limit on the group size and Republicans, Democrats, Independents and Socialist are all welcome.
Dr. Martin Oliver said in an interview today that his New Enlightenment Project ©2014, is: non-invasive, non-surgical, uses no drugs, no hypnotism, has no negative side effects and no hangover …and is politically neutral! It is safe and appropriate for men, women and children worldwide in a business, government, educational or family setting. The process requires a 4 hour seminar for introduction, explanation and painless application to each group, small or large. Email Dr. Oliver today at: docoliver@docoliver.biz or call him direct at 1-951-357-2103
Dr. Oliver's international specialties are aimed at showing individuals, the police department, companies, school districts, ngo's, non-profits, the military and governments how to receive a permanent cure for: disunity, religious and ethnic prejudice, terrorism, crime, sabotage, corruption, gender inequality workplace violence, tardiness, work lethargy, malingering, disloyalty, intellectual property rights theft, falsification of records, skimming, unthankfulness, character corruption, hidden agendas, selfishness, bullying, intimidation, training resistance, lack of creativity, disinformation, alcohol & drug abuse, as well as natural resource domination paranoia.
Dr. Oliver’s qualifications include: 38 year’s personal experience with 80 companies representing 38 Industries as well as numerous private practice counseling clients. Dr. Oliver, a 12th Generation American, a Son of the American Revolution and a decorated Vietnam Vet 1966-1970, earned his PhD, M.A., B.A., B.C.P.C., in Industrial Organizational and Clinical Psychology, Business Marketing and Theology/World Religion studies (1972-1989). He is the author of 27 books on Amazon & Createspace (18 in International Languages), and 9 Audio books on Audible.Com. He has been a personal counselor and management consultant since 1978. He is Board Certified by The International Board of Christian Counselors and The Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counselors both of Forest Virginia, USA. Find out what Dr. Oliver can do for you or your organization today.
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to his business profile at: http://www.docoliver.biz
# # #
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, BCPC
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project © 2014
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978

For Immediate Announcement
December 31, 2017
UN Chief Issues “Red Alert” For The World
New Enlightenment Project Offers Answer!
Per CNN today: ““As the world began to ring in 2018, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for global unity to overcome growing challenges.
In his New Year message on Sunday, Guterres said the world appeared to have "gone in reverse" before adding, "On New Year's Day 2018 I am not issuing an appeal, I am issuing an alert -- a red alert for our world." He continued: "As we begin 2018, I call for unity ... We can settle conflicts, overcome hatred and defend shared values. But we can only do that together.””
Responding to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterre’s Red Alert, Dr. Martin Oliver, Owner of Dr. Oliver’s Consultations has discovered a break-through curative technology which removes negative inward forces and desires within human beings, the root causes of: Disunity, Conflicts, Confusion, Strife and Hatred while defending shared values.
Up till now, all human efforts have addressed everything but the root causes”, said Dr. Oliver today. “I know how to permanently remove the inward forces that cause Conflict, Disunity, Confusion, Strife and Impossibility Thinking - as they travel from the human spirit, through the soul an internet highway to the brain and then form toxic brain neurons and dendrites, flooding the body with toxic chemical mixtures,” continued Oliver. Dr. Oliver is also the Founder of The New Enlightenment Project ©2014 a 4 hour seminar solution to the Disunity and Hatred problem, according to Oliver.
Dr. Martin Oliver said in an interview today that The New Enlightenment Project ©2014 is: non-invasive, non-surgical, uses no drugs, no hypnotism, has no negative side effects, and no hangover. It is safe and appropriate for men, women and children worldwide in a business, government, educational or family setting. The process requires a 4 hour seminar for introduction, explanation and painless application to each group, small or large.
Dr. Oliver's international specialties are aimed at showing individuals, companies, school districts, ngo's, non-profits, the police dept., the military and governments how to receive a permanent cure for: disunity, confusion, strife, impossibility thinking, murder & suicide, terrorism, crime, sabotage, corruption, gender inequality workplace violence, tardiness, work lethargy, malingering, disloyalty, intellectual property rights theft, falsification of records, skimming, unthankfulness, character corruption, hidden agendas, selfishness, bullying, intimidation, training resistance, lack of creativity, ethnic prejudice, disinformation, alcohol & drug abuse, as well as natural resource domination paranoia.
Dr. Oliver’s qualifications include: 40 year’s personal experience with 80 companies representing 38 Industries as well as numerous private practice counseling clients. Dr. Oliver, a Vietnam Vet, earned his PhD, M.A., B.A., B.C.P.C., in Industrial Organizational and Clinical Psychology, Business Marketing and Theology/World Religion studies (1972-1989). He is the author of 27 books on Amazon & Createspace (18 in International Languages), 9 Audio books on Audible.Com. He has been a personal counselor and management consultant since 1978. He is Board Certified by The International Board of Christian Counselors and The Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counselors both of Forest Virginia, USA. Schedule today at 1-951-357-2103, Email Dr. Oliver at: docoliver@docoliver.biz
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver PhD, BCPC
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project© 2014
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
1685 Gazebo Lane, Hemet CA 92545, 951-357-2103 docoliver@docoliver.biz
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For Immediate Announcement
November 30, 2017
Greedy Banks …When Will They Ever Learn?
“N.E.P.” Offers Power to Remove Bank’s Self-Indulgence
Hemet, California: Are we stuck with “Self-Indulgent Mega-Bank Business As Usual” from here on in? Regardless of media exposure of high-pressure sales tactics, outright lies, big bonuses to the most aggressive senior executives, and a mindset to ruthlessly squash the competition and become #1 regardless; bank business marches on making money, money and more money. When confronted with jugular vein tactics many senior executives admit, “It is just the callous reality of banking business in our world …you either crush or you get crushed.” Today, according to the Wall Street Journal: Mega-bank Wells Fargo & Co.’s board of directors was advised in a harshly worded letter by the Federal Office of the Comptroller of the Currency that it is weighing a formal enforcement action against the bank regarding overcharging hundreds of business clients. Apparently Wells Fargo required clients to pay inflated foreign transaction fees. An internal Wells Fargo review in the latest breach showed that only 35 business clients out of about 300 were charged the actual price they had been quoted by Wells Fargo bankers for their currency trades. The bank’s chief regulators, also said Wells Fargo had willingly harmed its customers in auto-insurance and mortgage operations business lines.
As worldwide bank consolidation proceeds, the giants quietly seek to put the squeeze on the little guy and profits, profits, more profits remain the underlying reason for most big banks existence, fueled by greed, avarice and selfishness. Many customers are frustrated, irritated and highly suspicious of the words and practices of many big banks. “I know how the customers feels, I felt the same way myself” said Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, BCPC, in a recent interview. “For a combined period of 7 years I worked for 3 financial institutes: Prudential Financial, Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase Manhattan Bank and during this time as a Registered Representative and Bank Loan Officer, I watched up-close and personal the way big financial institutes do business,” Dr. Oliver says that “The biggest problem in the banking industry is the negative behavioral forces that reside within employees regardless of nationality, gender, education or socio economic standing.” “These forces continue to sabotage the bank business process.” Oliver is the Founder of N.E.P., The New Enlightenment Project a 4-hour painless therapy which according to Oliver is a cure for high-pressure sales tactics, outright lying and ruthless, sly manipulation of customers finances.
“After 46+ years of research I have discovered the negative behavioral forces located within the human spirit which drive behaviors and prevent business integrity said Dr. Oliver. “The New Enlightenment Project does two things: #1. It neutralizes, disarms and removes the dangerous behavioral forces within the human spirit that fuel immoral profit margin rationalizations and greedy sales-approach justifications within employees. #2. It installs the forces of wisdom, clarity, understanding, compassion, vision and the courage necessary for protection and survival of the species of mankind and good business practices.”
“Up until now businesses in their quest to be the best, have addressed everything but the root cause of financial survival and working with the public to gain and maintain their trust. These negative selfish forces located within the human spirit travel from the spirit, through the soul an Internet highway to the brain and then form toxic brain neurons and dendrites, flooding the body with DNA coded deadly chemical mixtures. They also fuel selfish ambition, manipulation, intimidation and then pass those traits on to our children,” said Dr. Oliver.
Dr. Martin Oliver explained that The New Enlightenment Project © is: non-invasive, non-surgical, uses no drugs, requires no hypnotism, has no negative side effects, and no hangovers. It is safe and appropriate for men, women and children worldwide in a business, government, educational or family setting. The process requires a 4-hour Power Point seminar for introduction, explanation and painless application to each group, small or large. The cost is $10K/hour with a 4 hr. minimum for groups, plus travel cost and $300/hour with a 4-hour minimum for individuals plus travel cost. There is no limit on the number of employees or managers who can attend a New Enlightenment Project seminar at one time.
Dr. Oliver's international specialties are aimed at showing individuals, companies, school districts, ngo's, non-profits, the police dept., the military and governments how to receive a permanent cure for: selfishness, bullying, intimidation, sexual addictions, workplace violence, murder & suicide, terrorism, deception and trickery, disunity, confusion, strife, impossibility thinking, crime, sabotage, corruption, gender inequality, excessive tardiness, work lethargy, malingering, disloyalty, intellectual property rights theft, falsification of records, skimming, unthankfulness, character corruption, hidden agendas, training resistance, lack of creativity, ethnic prejudice, disinformation, alcohol & drug abuse, poor memories, pre-dementia, as well as natural resource domination paranoia.
Dr. Oliver’s qualifications include: 46+ year’s personal experience studying the human behavior of men and women within 80 companies, public and private schools, the US Military and represents 38 Industries as well as numerous private practice counseling clients. Dr. Oliver is a Decorated and Honorably Discharged Vietnam Vet (USAF 1966-1970), earned his PhD, M.A., B.A., B.C.P.C., in Industrial Organizational and Clinical Psychology, Business Marketing and Theology/World Religion studies (1972-1989). He is the author of 27 books on Amazon & Createspace (18 in International Languages), 9 Audio books on Audible.Com. He has been a personal counselor and management consultant since 1978. He is Board Certified by The International Board of Christian Counselors and The Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counselors both of Forest Virginia, USA. Schedule an appointment today by email at: docoliver@docoliver.biz
Learn more about Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C., today by going to his business website at: http://www.docoliver.biz
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project© 2014
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
docoliver@docoliver.biz www.docoliver.biz
# # #
For Immediate Announcement
November 30, 2017
Greedy Banks …When Will They Ever Learn?
“N.E.P.” Offers Power to Remove Bank’s Self-Indulgence
Hemet, California: Are we stuck with “Self-Indulgent Mega-Bank Business As Usual” from here on in? Regardless of media exposure of high-pressure sales tactics, outright lies, big bonuses to the most aggressive senior executives, and a mindset to ruthlessly squash the competition and become #1 regardless; bank business marches on making money, money and more money. When confronted with jugular vein tactics many senior executives admit, “It is just the callous reality of banking business in our world …you either crush or you get crushed.” Today, according to the Wall Street Journal: Mega-bank Wells Fargo & Co.’s board of directors was advised in a harshly worded letter by the Federal Office of the Comptroller of the Currency that it is weighing a formal enforcement action against the bank regarding overcharging hundreds of business clients. Apparently Wells Fargo required clients to pay inflated foreign transaction fees. An internal Wells Fargo review in the latest breach showed that only 35 business clients out of about 300 were charged the actual price they had been quoted by Wells Fargo bankers for their currency trades. The bank’s chief regulators, also said Wells Fargo had willingly harmed its customers in auto-insurance and mortgage operations business lines.
As worldwide bank consolidation proceeds, the giants quietly seek to put the squeeze on the little guy and profits, profits, more profits remain the underlying reason for most big banks existence, fueled by greed, avarice and selfishness. Many customers are frustrated, irritated and highly suspicious of the words and practices of many big banks. “I know how the customers feels, I felt the same way myself” said Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, BCPC, in a recent interview. “For a combined period of 7 years I worked for 3 financial institutes: Prudential Financial, Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase Manhattan Bank and during this time as a Registered Representative and Bank Loan Officer, I watched up-close and personal the way big financial institutes do business,” Dr. Oliver says that “The biggest problem in the banking industry is the negative behavioral forces that reside within employees regardless of nationality, gender, education or socio economic standing.” “These forces continue to sabotage the bank business process.” Oliver is the Founder of N.E.P., The New Enlightenment Project a 4-hour painless therapy which according to Oliver is a cure for high-pressure sales tactics, outright lying and ruthless, sly manipulation of customers finances.
“After 46+ years of research I have discovered the negative behavioral forces located within the human spirit which drive behaviors and prevent business integrity said Dr. Oliver. “The New Enlightenment Project does two things: #1. It neutralizes, disarms and removes the dangerous behavioral forces within the human spirit that fuel immoral profit margin rationalizations and greedy sales-approach justifications within employees. #2. It installs the forces of wisdom, clarity, understanding, compassion, vision and the courage necessary for protection and survival of the species of mankind and good business practices.”
“Up until now businesses in their quest to be the best, have addressed everything but the root cause of financial survival and working with the public to gain and maintain their trust. These negative selfish forces located within the human spirit travel from the spirit, through the soul an Internet highway to the brain and then form toxic brain neurons and dendrites, flooding the body with DNA coded deadly chemical mixtures. They also fuel selfish ambition, manipulation, intimidation and then pass those traits on to our children,” said Dr. Oliver.
Dr. Martin Oliver explained that The New Enlightenment Project © is: non-invasive, non-surgical, uses no drugs, requires no hypnotism, has no negative side effects, and no hangovers. It is safe and appropriate for men, women and children worldwide in a business, government, educational or family setting. The process requires a 4-hour Power Point seminar for introduction, explanation and painless application to each group, small or large. The cost is $10K/hour with a 4 hr. minimum for groups, plus travel cost and $300/hour with a 4-hour minimum for individuals plus travel cost. There is no limit on the number of employees or managers who can attend a New Enlightenment Project seminar at one time.
Dr. Oliver's international specialties are aimed at showing individuals, companies, school districts, ngo's, non-profits, the police dept., the military and governments how to receive a permanent cure for: selfishness, bullying, intimidation, sexual addictions, workplace violence, murder & suicide, terrorism, deception and trickery, disunity, confusion, strife, impossibility thinking, crime, sabotage, corruption, gender inequality, excessive tardiness, work lethargy, malingering, disloyalty, intellectual property rights theft, falsification of records, skimming, unthankfulness, character corruption, hidden agendas, training resistance, lack of creativity, ethnic prejudice, disinformation, alcohol & drug abuse, poor memories, pre-dementia, as well as natural resource domination paranoia.
Dr. Oliver’s qualifications include: 46+ year’s personal experience studying the human behavior of men and women within 80 companies, public and private schools, the US Military and represents 38 Industries as well as numerous private practice counseling clients. Dr. Oliver is a Decorated and Honorably Discharged Vietnam Vet (USAF 1966-1970), earned his PhD, M.A., B.A., B.C.P.C., in Industrial Organizational and Clinical Psychology, Business Marketing and Theology/World Religion studies (1972-1989). He is the author of 27 books on Amazon & Createspace (18 in International Languages), 9 Audio books on Audible.Com. He has been a personal counselor and management consultant since 1978. He is Board Certified by The International Board of Christian Counselors and The Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counselors both of Forest Virginia, USA. Schedule an appointment today by email at: docoliver@docoliver.biz
Learn more about Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C., today by going to his business website at: http://www.docoliver.biz
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project© 2014
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
docoliver@docoliver.biz www.docoliver.biz
# # #

For Immediate Announcement
November 28, 2017
Bomb’s Away …Ready or Not?
N.E.P. Offers World Peace, Stability, Safety
Hemet, California: Has the world gone mad or just Kim Jong Un? Leadership in North Korea, Russia and Cuba strongly contend that their worldview is right …and they are willing to die for it. Are we? Is it us against the World again? Now with the possibility of escalated nuclear threats, recent new ICBM testing, another missile landing near Japan, is there anything short of war that is left? Diplomats are sweating bullets but are still hopeful that they can talk Kim Jong Un off the ledge, but is it really possible?
The dream of world unity has existed for almost 6,000 years, however World Empire after Empire have resorted to war after war since the dawn of mankind to settle difference and usurp land, houses, wealth, natural resources and people. Every political theory and recipe has been tried and failed. Wars and rumors of wars persist and yet world unity, peace and safety escape us. “The problem is the negative behavioral forces that reside within mankind regardless of nationality, gender, education or socio-economic standing,” says Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, and BCPC. “These forces continue to sabotage the peace process.” Oliver is the Founder of N.E.P., The New Enlightenment Project a 4-hour painless therapy which according to Oliver is a cure for political friction, governmental haggling, selfish stubbornness, pride stacked as high as the Empire State Building, elected representative log jams and even getting along with an adversarial party, dictatorships or hostile Central Committee Planner.
“After 46+ years of research I have discovered the negative behavioral forces located within the human spirit which drive behaviors and prevent world unity said Dr. Oliver. “The New Enlightenment Project does two things: #1. It neutralizes, disarms and removes the dangerous behavioral forces within the human spirit that prevent long-term governmental insight and agreeable compromise and #2. It installs the forces of wisdom, clarity, understanding, compassion, vision and the courage necessary for protection and survival of the species of mankind.”
“Up until now individuals and governments have addressed everything but the root cause of the strife and disagreement problem. These negative brutish forces located within the human spirit travel from the spirit, through the soul an Internet highway to the brain and then form toxic brain neurons and dendrites, flooding the body with DNA coded deadly chemical mixtures. They also fuel selfish ambition, manipulation, intimidation and then pass those traits on to our children,” said Dr. Oliver.
Dr. Martin Oliver explained that The New Enlightenment Project © is: non-invasive, non-surgical, uses no drugs, requires no hypnotism, has no negative side effects, and no hangovers. It is safe and appropriate for men, women and children worldwide in a business, government, educational or family setting. The process requires a 4-hour Power Point seminar for introduction, explanation and painless application to each group, small or large. The cost is $10K/hour with a 4 hr. minimum for groups, plus travel cost and $300/hour with a 4-hour minimum for individuals plus travel cost. There is no limit on the number of employees or managers who can attend a New Enlightenment Project seminar at one time.
Dr. Oliver's international specialties are aimed at showing individuals, companies, school districts, ngo's, non-profits, the police dept., the military and governments how to receive a permanent cure for: selfishness, bullying, intimidation, sexual addictions, workplace violence, murder & suicide, terrorism, deception and trickery, disunity, confusion, strife, impossibility thinking, crime, sabotage, corruption, gender inequality, excessive tardiness, work lethargy, malingering, disloyalty, intellectual property rights theft, falsification of records, skimming, unthankfulness, character corruption, hidden agendas, training resistance, lack of creativity, ethnic prejudice, disinformation, alcohol & drug abuse, poor memories, pre-dementia, as well as natural resource domination paranoia.
Dr. Oliver’s qualifications include: 46+ year’s personal experience studying the human behavior of men and women within 80 companies, public and private schools, the US Military and represents 38 Industries as well as numerous private practice counseling clients. Dr. Oliver, who just celebrated 42 years of marriage, is a Decorated and Honorably Discharged Vietnam Vet (USAF 1966-1970), earned his PhD, M.A., B.A., B.C.P.C., in Industrial Organizational and Clinical Psychology, Business Marketing and Theology/World Religion studies (1972-1989). He is the author of 27 books on Amazon & Createspace (18 in International Languages), 9 Audio books on Audible.Com. He has been a personal counselor and management consultant since 1978. He is Board Certified by The International Board of Christian Counselors and The Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counselors both of Forest Virginia, USA. Schedule an appointment today by email at: docoliver@docoliver.biz
Learn more about Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C., today by going to his business website at: http://www.docoliver.biz
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project© 2014
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
docoliver@docoliver.biz www.docoliver.biz
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For Immediate Announcement
November 28, 2017
Bomb’s Away …Ready or Not?
N.E.P. Offers World Peace, Stability, Safety
Hemet, California: Has the world gone mad or just Kim Jong Un? Leadership in North Korea, Russia and Cuba strongly contend that their worldview is right …and they are willing to die for it. Are we? Is it us against the World again? Now with the possibility of escalated nuclear threats, recent new ICBM testing, another missile landing near Japan, is there anything short of war that is left? Diplomats are sweating bullets but are still hopeful that they can talk Kim Jong Un off the ledge, but is it really possible?
The dream of world unity has existed for almost 6,000 years, however World Empire after Empire have resorted to war after war since the dawn of mankind to settle difference and usurp land, houses, wealth, natural resources and people. Every political theory and recipe has been tried and failed. Wars and rumors of wars persist and yet world unity, peace and safety escape us. “The problem is the negative behavioral forces that reside within mankind regardless of nationality, gender, education or socio-economic standing,” says Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, and BCPC. “These forces continue to sabotage the peace process.” Oliver is the Founder of N.E.P., The New Enlightenment Project a 4-hour painless therapy which according to Oliver is a cure for political friction, governmental haggling, selfish stubbornness, pride stacked as high as the Empire State Building, elected representative log jams and even getting along with an adversarial party, dictatorships or hostile Central Committee Planner.
“After 46+ years of research I have discovered the negative behavioral forces located within the human spirit which drive behaviors and prevent world unity said Dr. Oliver. “The New Enlightenment Project does two things: #1. It neutralizes, disarms and removes the dangerous behavioral forces within the human spirit that prevent long-term governmental insight and agreeable compromise and #2. It installs the forces of wisdom, clarity, understanding, compassion, vision and the courage necessary for protection and survival of the species of mankind.”
“Up until now individuals and governments have addressed everything but the root cause of the strife and disagreement problem. These negative brutish forces located within the human spirit travel from the spirit, through the soul an Internet highway to the brain and then form toxic brain neurons and dendrites, flooding the body with DNA coded deadly chemical mixtures. They also fuel selfish ambition, manipulation, intimidation and then pass those traits on to our children,” said Dr. Oliver.
Dr. Martin Oliver explained that The New Enlightenment Project © is: non-invasive, non-surgical, uses no drugs, requires no hypnotism, has no negative side effects, and no hangovers. It is safe and appropriate for men, women and children worldwide in a business, government, educational or family setting. The process requires a 4-hour Power Point seminar for introduction, explanation and painless application to each group, small or large. The cost is $10K/hour with a 4 hr. minimum for groups, plus travel cost and $300/hour with a 4-hour minimum for individuals plus travel cost. There is no limit on the number of employees or managers who can attend a New Enlightenment Project seminar at one time.
Dr. Oliver's international specialties are aimed at showing individuals, companies, school districts, ngo's, non-profits, the police dept., the military and governments how to receive a permanent cure for: selfishness, bullying, intimidation, sexual addictions, workplace violence, murder & suicide, terrorism, deception and trickery, disunity, confusion, strife, impossibility thinking, crime, sabotage, corruption, gender inequality, excessive tardiness, work lethargy, malingering, disloyalty, intellectual property rights theft, falsification of records, skimming, unthankfulness, character corruption, hidden agendas, training resistance, lack of creativity, ethnic prejudice, disinformation, alcohol & drug abuse, poor memories, pre-dementia, as well as natural resource domination paranoia.
Dr. Oliver’s qualifications include: 46+ year’s personal experience studying the human behavior of men and women within 80 companies, public and private schools, the US Military and represents 38 Industries as well as numerous private practice counseling clients. Dr. Oliver, who just celebrated 42 years of marriage, is a Decorated and Honorably Discharged Vietnam Vet (USAF 1966-1970), earned his PhD, M.A., B.A., B.C.P.C., in Industrial Organizational and Clinical Psychology, Business Marketing and Theology/World Religion studies (1972-1989). He is the author of 27 books on Amazon & Createspace (18 in International Languages), 9 Audio books on Audible.Com. He has been a personal counselor and management consultant since 1978. He is Board Certified by The International Board of Christian Counselors and The Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counselors both of Forest Virginia, USA. Schedule an appointment today by email at: docoliver@docoliver.biz
Learn more about Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C., today by going to his business website at: http://www.docoliver.biz
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project© 2014
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
docoliver@docoliver.biz www.docoliver.biz
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For Immediate Announcement
February 15, 2018
How To Stop Murders From Murdering …Before it Happens!
The New Enlightenment Project© Offers 4-Hour Remedy
Hemet, California: Another school shooting? YES, It's happened again! At least seventeen children and adults were gunned down without mercy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The captured suspect, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz was portrayed as an increasingly erratic and troubled person before he was expelled last year and who may have sought revenge. School Officials and Law Enforcement Officers are baffled as to how to stop this growing scourge. But an immediate 4 hour solution is awaiting implementation. READ ON!
The question many people are thinking and asking as this problem escalates is: How Safe Are We? Criminals, terrorist and mentally deranged people as well as under the radar potential killers seeking revenge seem to always get guns or vehicles of destruction regardless of our laws and prohibitions. Do they sneak in when we are not watching? Do they buy online or frequent gun shows while we are asleep? Paranoia becomes the normal condition and people are becoming afraid to go out into public. Is there a way of knowing when we are in danger, even before the assailant arrives? Are there signals and warnings signs we could tap into that would help protect our lives and the lives of our children and family? Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C., founder of The New Enlightenment Project© says yes.
“Everyone knows and understands all the conventional wisdom on how to prevent violence, and law enforcement and legislators are doing a really good job in that area of surveillance and confrontation, challenging and reviewing gun sales and ownership safety. Unfortunately it is not 100% effective,” said Dr. Oliver in a recent interview. “ The New Enlightenment Project does two things: #1. It neutralizes and disarms the dangerous forces within the human spirit that instigate violence in humanity and #2. it installs the forces of inward discernment, sensitivity, alertness, restraint and courage necessary for our protection and survival.”
“Up until now individuals, companies, schools and governments have addressed everything but the root cause forces located within the human spirit as they travel from the spirit, through the soul an internet highway to the brain and then form toxic brain neurons and dendrites, flooding the body with deadly chemical mixtures, fueling murder and revenge” said Dr. Oliver.
Dr. Martin Oliver explained that The New Enlightenment Project © is: non-invasive, non-surgical, uses no drugs, requires no hypnotism, has no negative side effects, and no hangovers. It is safe and appropriate for men, women and children worldwide in a business, government, educational or family setting. The process requires a 4 hour Power Point seminar for introduction, explanation and painless application to each group, small or large. The cost is $10K/hour with a 4 hr. minimum for groups, plus travel cost and $300/hour with a 4 hour minimum for individuals plus travel cost. There is no limit on the number of employees or managers who can attend a New Enlightenment Project seminar at one time.
Dr. Oliver's international specialties are aimed at showing individuals, companies, school districts, ngo's, non-profits, the police dept., the military and governments how to receive a permanent cure for: workplace violence, murder & suicide, terrorism, deception and trickery, disunity, confusion, strife, impossibility thinking, crime, sabotage, corruption, gender inequality, excessive tardiness, work lethargy, malingering, disloyalty, intellectual property rights theft, falsification of records, skimming, unthankfulness, character corruption, hidden agendas, selfishness, bullying, intimidation, training resistance, lack of creativity, ethnic prejudice, disinformation, alcohol & drug abuse, poor memories, pre-dementia, as well as natural resource domination paranoia.
Dr. Oliver’s qualifications include: 46 year’s personal experience studying the human behavior of men and women within 80 companies, public and private schools, the US Military and represents 38 Industries as well as numerous private practice counseling clients. Dr. Oliver, a decorated and Honorably Discharged Vietnam Vet, earned his PhD, M.A., B.A., B.C.P.C., in Industrial Organizational and Clinical Psychology, Business Marketing and Theology/World Religion studies (1972-1989). He is the author of 27 books on Amazon & Createspace (18 in International Languages), 9 Audio books on Audible.Com. He has been a personal counselor and management consultant since 1978. He is Board Certified by The International Board of Christian Counselors and The Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counselors both of Forest Virginia, USA. Schedule today email Dr. Oliver at: docoliver@docoliver.biz
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to his business website at: http://www.docoliver.biz
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project© 2014
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
docoliver@docoliver.biz www.docoliver.biz
# # #
For Immediate Announcement
February 15, 2018
How To Stop Murders From Murdering …Before it Happens!
The New Enlightenment Project© Offers 4-Hour Remedy
Hemet, California: Another school shooting? YES, It's happened again! At least seventeen children and adults were gunned down without mercy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The captured suspect, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz was portrayed as an increasingly erratic and troubled person before he was expelled last year and who may have sought revenge. School Officials and Law Enforcement Officers are baffled as to how to stop this growing scourge. But an immediate 4 hour solution is awaiting implementation. READ ON!
The question many people are thinking and asking as this problem escalates is: How Safe Are We? Criminals, terrorist and mentally deranged people as well as under the radar potential killers seeking revenge seem to always get guns or vehicles of destruction regardless of our laws and prohibitions. Do they sneak in when we are not watching? Do they buy online or frequent gun shows while we are asleep? Paranoia becomes the normal condition and people are becoming afraid to go out into public. Is there a way of knowing when we are in danger, even before the assailant arrives? Are there signals and warnings signs we could tap into that would help protect our lives and the lives of our children and family? Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C., founder of The New Enlightenment Project© says yes.
“Everyone knows and understands all the conventional wisdom on how to prevent violence, and law enforcement and legislators are doing a really good job in that area of surveillance and confrontation, challenging and reviewing gun sales and ownership safety. Unfortunately it is not 100% effective,” said Dr. Oliver in a recent interview. “ The New Enlightenment Project does two things: #1. It neutralizes and disarms the dangerous forces within the human spirit that instigate violence in humanity and #2. it installs the forces of inward discernment, sensitivity, alertness, restraint and courage necessary for our protection and survival.”
“Up until now individuals, companies, schools and governments have addressed everything but the root cause forces located within the human spirit as they travel from the spirit, through the soul an internet highway to the brain and then form toxic brain neurons and dendrites, flooding the body with deadly chemical mixtures, fueling murder and revenge” said Dr. Oliver.
Dr. Martin Oliver explained that The New Enlightenment Project © is: non-invasive, non-surgical, uses no drugs, requires no hypnotism, has no negative side effects, and no hangovers. It is safe and appropriate for men, women and children worldwide in a business, government, educational or family setting. The process requires a 4 hour Power Point seminar for introduction, explanation and painless application to each group, small or large. The cost is $10K/hour with a 4 hr. minimum for groups, plus travel cost and $300/hour with a 4 hour minimum for individuals plus travel cost. There is no limit on the number of employees or managers who can attend a New Enlightenment Project seminar at one time.
Dr. Oliver's international specialties are aimed at showing individuals, companies, school districts, ngo's, non-profits, the police dept., the military and governments how to receive a permanent cure for: workplace violence, murder & suicide, terrorism, deception and trickery, disunity, confusion, strife, impossibility thinking, crime, sabotage, corruption, gender inequality, excessive tardiness, work lethargy, malingering, disloyalty, intellectual property rights theft, falsification of records, skimming, unthankfulness, character corruption, hidden agendas, selfishness, bullying, intimidation, training resistance, lack of creativity, ethnic prejudice, disinformation, alcohol & drug abuse, poor memories, pre-dementia, as well as natural resource domination paranoia.
Dr. Oliver’s qualifications include: 46 year’s personal experience studying the human behavior of men and women within 80 companies, public and private schools, the US Military and represents 38 Industries as well as numerous private practice counseling clients. Dr. Oliver, a decorated and Honorably Discharged Vietnam Vet, earned his PhD, M.A., B.A., B.C.P.C., in Industrial Organizational and Clinical Psychology, Business Marketing and Theology/World Religion studies (1972-1989). He is the author of 27 books on Amazon & Createspace (18 in International Languages), 9 Audio books on Audible.Com. He has been a personal counselor and management consultant since 1978. He is Board Certified by The International Board of Christian Counselors and The Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counselors both of Forest Virginia, USA. Schedule today email Dr. Oliver at: docoliver@docoliver.biz
Contact Dr. Oliver today by going to his business website at: http://www.docoliver.biz
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project© 2014
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
docoliver@docoliver.biz www.docoliver.biz
# # #
For Immediate Announcement
December 14, 2017
#MeToo Assaulted Women & Children Finally Fed Up!!!
The New Enlightenment Project© Offers 4-hour Sex Cure
Hemet, California: Over 2000 years ago Holy Scripture warned men: “Be sure that your secret sins will someday be made public.” Well, in the year 2017 women have finally had it! Now via newspapers, the 6 o’clock news and across the worldwide Internet, women are telling their stories of rape, forced degrading sex and sexual intimidation and exploitation. This heroic wave of toxic exposure is quickly becoming the worst nightmare for men who have secretly hoped they would never be caught. Now the phones of high priced lawyers and slick PR damage control experts are ringing off the hook as their rich clients rush to counterpunch and do what dishonorable men have done for centuries: squelch talking women into silence. IF YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR JOB LADY, SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!
It was just a matter of time before 50% of the world’s population revolted said Dr. Martin Oliver. Oliver is a PhD in Industrial Organizational and Clinical Psychology as well as a Board Certified Counselor. Dr. Oliver is the Founder of The New Enlightenment Project a 4-hour painless therapy which according to Oliver is a cure for both a sex life gone wild as well as immediate help, comfort and recovery for shamed and battered women made to feel like nothing more than a sex object or a two-bit whore.
“After 46 years of research I have discovered the negative behavioral forces located within the human spirit which drive behaviors, ruin personalities, embarrass families and kill careers said Dr. Oliver. “The New Enlightenment Project does two things: #1. It neutralizes, disarms and removes the dangerous behavioral forces within the human spirit that instigate selfish sexual exploitation in humanity and #2. It installs the forces of inward compassion, respect for women, sensitivity to their needs, restraint when sex is not appropriate and the courage necessary for protection and survival of the species of mankind.”
“Up until now individuals, couples, families, companies, schools and governments have addressed everything but the root cause of sex problems. These negative brutish forces located within the human spirit travel from the spirit, through the soul an Internet highway to the brain and then form toxic brain neurons and dendrites, flooding the body with DNA coded deadly chemical mixtures. They also fuel selfish sexual manipulation and then pass those traits on to our children,” said Dr. Oliver.
Dr. Martin Oliver explained that The New Enlightenment Project © is: non-invasive, non-surgical, uses no drugs, requires no hypnotism, has no negative side effects, and no hangovers. It is safe and appropriate for men, women and children worldwide in a business, government, educational or family setting. The process requires a 4-hour Power Point seminar for introduction, explanation and painless application to each group, small or large. The cost is $10K/hour with a 4 hr. minimum for groups, plus travel cost and $300/hour with a 4-hour minimum for individuals plus travel cost. There is no limit on the number of employees or managers who can attend a New Enlightenment Project seminar at one time.
Dr. Oliver's international specialties are aimed at showing individuals, companies, school districts, ngo's, non-profits, the police dept., the military and governments how to receive a permanent cure for: sexual addictions, selfishness, bullying, intimidation, workplace violence, murder & suicide, terrorism, deception and trickery, disunity, confusion, strife, impossibility thinking, crime, sabotage, corruption, gender inequality, excessive tardiness, work lethargy, malingering, disloyalty, intellectual property rights theft, falsification of records, skimming, unthankfulness, character corruption, hidden agendas, training resistance, lack of creativity, ethnic prejudice, disinformation, alcohol & drug abuse, poor memories, pre-dementia, as well as natural resource domination paranoia.
Dr. Oliver’s qualifications include: 46 year’s personal experience studying the human behavior of men and women within 80 companies, public and private schools, the US Military and represents 38 Industries as well as numerous private practice counseling clients. Dr. Oliver, who just celebrated 42 years of marriage, is a Decorated and Honorably Discharged Vietnam Vet (USAF 1966-1970), earned his PhD, M.A., B.A., B.C.P.C., in Industrial Organizational and Clinical Psychology, Business Marketing and Theology/World Religion studies (1972-1989). He is the author of 27 books on Amazon & Createspace (18 in International Languages), 9 Audio books on Audible.Com. He has been a personal counselor and management consultant since 1978. He is Board Certified by The International Board of Christian Counselors and The Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counselors both of Forest Virginia, USA. Schedule an appointment today by email at: docoliver@docoliver.biz
Learn more about Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C., today by going to his business website at: http://www.docoliver.biz
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project© 2014
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
docoliver@docoliver.biz www.docoliver.biz
# # #
For Immediate Announcement
December 14, 2017
#MeToo Assaulted Women & Children Finally Fed Up!!!
The New Enlightenment Project© Offers 4-hour Sex Cure
Hemet, California: Over 2000 years ago Holy Scripture warned men: “Be sure that your secret sins will someday be made public.” Well, in the year 2017 women have finally had it! Now via newspapers, the 6 o’clock news and across the worldwide Internet, women are telling their stories of rape, forced degrading sex and sexual intimidation and exploitation. This heroic wave of toxic exposure is quickly becoming the worst nightmare for men who have secretly hoped they would never be caught. Now the phones of high priced lawyers and slick PR damage control experts are ringing off the hook as their rich clients rush to counterpunch and do what dishonorable men have done for centuries: squelch talking women into silence. IF YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR JOB LADY, SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!
It was just a matter of time before 50% of the world’s population revolted said Dr. Martin Oliver. Oliver is a PhD in Industrial Organizational and Clinical Psychology as well as a Board Certified Counselor. Dr. Oliver is the Founder of The New Enlightenment Project a 4-hour painless therapy which according to Oliver is a cure for both a sex life gone wild as well as immediate help, comfort and recovery for shamed and battered women made to feel like nothing more than a sex object or a two-bit whore.
“After 46 years of research I have discovered the negative behavioral forces located within the human spirit which drive behaviors, ruin personalities, embarrass families and kill careers said Dr. Oliver. “The New Enlightenment Project does two things: #1. It neutralizes, disarms and removes the dangerous behavioral forces within the human spirit that instigate selfish sexual exploitation in humanity and #2. It installs the forces of inward compassion, respect for women, sensitivity to their needs, restraint when sex is not appropriate and the courage necessary for protection and survival of the species of mankind.”
“Up until now individuals, couples, families, companies, schools and governments have addressed everything but the root cause of sex problems. These negative brutish forces located within the human spirit travel from the spirit, through the soul an Internet highway to the brain and then form toxic brain neurons and dendrites, flooding the body with DNA coded deadly chemical mixtures. They also fuel selfish sexual manipulation and then pass those traits on to our children,” said Dr. Oliver.
Dr. Martin Oliver explained that The New Enlightenment Project © is: non-invasive, non-surgical, uses no drugs, requires no hypnotism, has no negative side effects, and no hangovers. It is safe and appropriate for men, women and children worldwide in a business, government, educational or family setting. The process requires a 4-hour Power Point seminar for introduction, explanation and painless application to each group, small or large. The cost is $10K/hour with a 4 hr. minimum for groups, plus travel cost and $300/hour with a 4-hour minimum for individuals plus travel cost. There is no limit on the number of employees or managers who can attend a New Enlightenment Project seminar at one time.
Dr. Oliver's international specialties are aimed at showing individuals, companies, school districts, ngo's, non-profits, the police dept., the military and governments how to receive a permanent cure for: sexual addictions, selfishness, bullying, intimidation, workplace violence, murder & suicide, terrorism, deception and trickery, disunity, confusion, strife, impossibility thinking, crime, sabotage, corruption, gender inequality, excessive tardiness, work lethargy, malingering, disloyalty, intellectual property rights theft, falsification of records, skimming, unthankfulness, character corruption, hidden agendas, training resistance, lack of creativity, ethnic prejudice, disinformation, alcohol & drug abuse, poor memories, pre-dementia, as well as natural resource domination paranoia.
Dr. Oliver’s qualifications include: 46 year’s personal experience studying the human behavior of men and women within 80 companies, public and private schools, the US Military and represents 38 Industries as well as numerous private practice counseling clients. Dr. Oliver, who just celebrated 42 years of marriage, is a Decorated and Honorably Discharged Vietnam Vet (USAF 1966-1970), earned his PhD, M.A., B.A., B.C.P.C., in Industrial Organizational and Clinical Psychology, Business Marketing and Theology/World Religion studies (1972-1989). He is the author of 27 books on Amazon & Createspace (18 in International Languages), 9 Audio books on Audible.Com. He has been a personal counselor and management consultant since 1978. He is Board Certified by The International Board of Christian Counselors and The Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counselors both of Forest Virginia, USA. Schedule an appointment today by email at: docoliver@docoliver.biz
Learn more about Dr. Martin W. Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C., today by going to his business website at: http://www.docoliver.biz
Dr. Martin Woodrow Oliver Jr., PhD, B.C.P.C.
Founder, The New Enlightenment Project© 2014
CEO, Dr. Oliver’s Consultations, Estab: 1978
docoliver@docoliver.biz www.docoliver.biz
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