Dr. Martin W. & Mrs Diane L. Oliver are pleased to have celebrated 48 years of marriage using 2000+ year old Biblical principles for marriage success. For 48 years Dr. Oliver has taken what he learned and applied the same marriage success principles to many other couples in need. Now that same counseling and instruction is available to you.
If you are really serious about change and if you are tired of the way things are now, simply contact Dr. Oliver by email and begin to see a turn-around in your marriage. If your marriage is already great, let Doc help you make it even better! Email Doc at: docoliver@docoliver.biz
Dr. Oliver is also a Board Certified Counselor. Wedding Photo October 1975. Martin & Diane on left, Pastors Mel and Christy Westbrook performing ceremony on the right. Location: The Church of Monterey, Monterey, California.
Happy then, happy now!
DUNS#: 139080076
CAGE Code: 8CGT8
SBA Small Business Concern
VOSB (CVE Verified)
Board Certified Counselor BCPC: #0509
STATE OF CALIFORNIA Certification Small Business (SB Micro) ID: 2016404
If you are really serious about change and if you are tired of the way things are now, simply contact Dr. Oliver by email and begin to see a turn-around in your marriage. If your marriage is already great, let Doc help you make it even better! Email Doc at: docoliver@docoliver.biz
Dr. Oliver is also a Board Certified Counselor. Wedding Photo October 1975. Martin & Diane on left, Pastors Mel and Christy Westbrook performing ceremony on the right. Location: The Church of Monterey, Monterey, California.
Happy then, happy now!
DUNS#: 139080076
CAGE Code: 8CGT8
SBA Small Business Concern
VOSB (CVE Verified)
Board Certified Counselor BCPC: #0509
STATE OF CALIFORNIA Certification Small Business (SB Micro) ID: 2016404