"What Makes A Man Tick: The Inner-Workings of a Male" ©2014 Book Reviews:
“This impressive work is a valuable tool for spiritual growth. Dr. Oliver's book also provides a new, original tool for literary criticism in the area of character portrayal, particularly in dealing with writers who avoid the spiritual aspect of major characters.” Stephen M. Shaw, Esq., Hawaii
“Martin writes from the heart and that’s where God has placed a great deal of wisdom. His “Seven Behaviors” that damage, weaken, and scar a man are presented in his usual clear and concise approach. This book is well supported by the Word of God and should be in every man’s library; it's not a one-time read.” Pastor Tom Mitchell, WalkWithGod Ministries
“Dr. Martin Oliver recently made available to me his newest release; "What Makes A Man Tick". While the title initially induced hallucinations of the blood-thirsty parasitic arachnids, I succumbed to the inevitable need to read this 119 page epistle of wisdom. What I found was inspirational, interesting, provocative and certainly worthwhile. I believe he's found a niche marketplace that few others have gone on to explore. Recommending this to others would not be difficult to do.” Michael P. Oliver, Dixon, CA.
Dr. Oliver,
“HUGE thanks for sending the second book: “What Makes a Man Tick: The Inner-Workings of a Male”! If I could tell you how important I believe this book is going to be to me. I feel it in my spirit! Really feel it! You see, you had put a little of the information about what makes men tick in the book about “What Makes a Women Tick:The Inner-Workings of a Female” and just to be a little transparent, it was the only thing that could even help me see how my husband might be actually feeling! You and the Holy Spirit of God were there in the room fighting for him even though he didn't know it at all!
“He is a firm believer is being in the cave and do not enter. You helped me not to destroy him even when I needed to be honest (versus silent) and finally tell him of the hurt between the two of us. Thanks for adding in the beginning of your book to not use the information as a weapon of destruction but for my understanding, and building of the men in my family. LOL ... you don't know how true that could be: DESTROY!”
“I've wanted to but the anointing over these lips will not let me say what would destroy the ego. As a young woman, I was very effective at using words to destroy. It was my goal, if there was to be revenge, no physical scars would do, I wanted them to hate the sound of my name if they thought it out loud! Thank you for sowing into my heart with the words of your books ... we do not know what is going to be the harvest of this ... but there is going to be one for SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!” Sonya, from the USA
“This impressive work is a valuable tool for spiritual growth. Dr. Oliver's book also provides a new, original tool for literary criticism in the area of character portrayal, particularly in dealing with writers who avoid the spiritual aspect of major characters.” Stephen M. Shaw, Esq., Hawaii
“Martin writes from the heart and that’s where God has placed a great deal of wisdom. His “Seven Behaviors” that damage, weaken, and scar a man are presented in his usual clear and concise approach. This book is well supported by the Word of God and should be in every man’s library; it's not a one-time read.” Pastor Tom Mitchell, WalkWithGod Ministries
“Dr. Martin Oliver recently made available to me his newest release; "What Makes A Man Tick". While the title initially induced hallucinations of the blood-thirsty parasitic arachnids, I succumbed to the inevitable need to read this 119 page epistle of wisdom. What I found was inspirational, interesting, provocative and certainly worthwhile. I believe he's found a niche marketplace that few others have gone on to explore. Recommending this to others would not be difficult to do.” Michael P. Oliver, Dixon, CA.
Dr. Oliver,
“HUGE thanks for sending the second book: “What Makes a Man Tick: The Inner-Workings of a Male”! If I could tell you how important I believe this book is going to be to me. I feel it in my spirit! Really feel it! You see, you had put a little of the information about what makes men tick in the book about “What Makes a Women Tick:The Inner-Workings of a Female” and just to be a little transparent, it was the only thing that could even help me see how my husband might be actually feeling! You and the Holy Spirit of God were there in the room fighting for him even though he didn't know it at all!
“He is a firm believer is being in the cave and do not enter. You helped me not to destroy him even when I needed to be honest (versus silent) and finally tell him of the hurt between the two of us. Thanks for adding in the beginning of your book to not use the information as a weapon of destruction but for my understanding, and building of the men in my family. LOL ... you don't know how true that could be: DESTROY!”
“I've wanted to but the anointing over these lips will not let me say what would destroy the ego. As a young woman, I was very effective at using words to destroy. It was my goal, if there was to be revenge, no physical scars would do, I wanted them to hate the sound of my name if they thought it out loud! Thank you for sowing into my heart with the words of your books ... we do not know what is going to be the harvest of this ... but there is going to be one for SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!” Sonya, from the USA

"What Makes A Woman Tick: The Inner-Workings of a Female" ©2014 1st Book reviews:
"I finally read the book What Makes women Tick! It is anointed. I know that His word will not go void. I enjoyed hearing your voice Martin throughout the book. It was if you were reading it to me. (hmmm...audio books?) Annie from Texas.
“Wow - what an awesome book, so well written. I think everyone on the planet needs to read this book. Male/Female, married 20 minutes or married 20 years, divorced or never married - the contents of this book will enlighten everyone who reads it. I plan on re-reading it several times. What a wealth of information - finally a relationship book that is based on "The Book". It made me realize what the dynamics were that went wrong in my 1st marriage; the dynamics that are going right in my marriage now; and the dynamics that need to continue to make my marriage all that God intended it to be; and for me to be the best woman/wife/mother/friend/sister, etc., that God created me to be. I don't think you got to write this one - you just got to hold the pen. This was straight revelation from the Holy Spirit of the Living God. Thank you so much for sharing it with me!” Karen from Atlanta.
Dr. Oliver,
“This may be your best book. Very well written, easily understood, subject matter flows smoothly. Your explanations of science and human characteristics and behavior in conjunction with need are relevant and, I believe, important.
Your explanation of why homosexuality is wrong is also important, not just from the physical but also, more critically, the spiritual. I was impressed with your statement that acceptance of perversion is necessary so that people will more readily accept the antichrist and I believe you are right. I had never considered that matter previously. The prayer at the end is perfect. It's a very good book and very well done.” Ellen from Idaho
Dear Martin, “I found your book "What Makes A Woman Tick: The Inner-Workings of a Female" very interesting. I say that because it's more than I expected it would be. The book is a mixture of Biology, Psychology and you also add God into why we are the way we are. It all makes perfect sense to me and I could see myself in many places. I think it was page 9 that fit me to a "T" and I recognized many of these things have affected all my life and marriage (or what use to be my marriage). Anyway, this was great insight into the needs of women ...I wish you great luck with this and all your books. Great job!” Jennifer from California
“I believe God uses many tools to help us on our journey through life. What an impact this book has made in me finally understanding myself and what really makes me tick in many areas of my life. As I read through Dr. Oliver's book I came to a place of understanding who my husband married and that she too had also bought many issues into the marriage. This book was and will remain going forward, a gift to me, and to my marriage, as we found ourselves working to determine if we should go on after 21 years together. It was very easy, in my opinion, to see what was wrong; it was all him, and nothing to do with me. In reading about the pillars women need, I began to see why my inner building was crumbling, what support beams were missing because they were not established in the early build and also identified what needed to be repaired. This book helped me understand me, but also ministered to the wounds at the same time. Dr. Oliver, and the Holy Spirit spoke to the facets of me I simply could not understand about myself.”
“Why, though intelligent, though well read, though gifted educationally, would I make such poor decisions otherwise? I have learned with the help of the Lord, and Dr. Oliver's book to cherish, love and restore the young woman in me who did not love herself. At 52, I now understand myself at age 25. Thanks Doc for letting the Lord use you to help me be all I am meant to be. For helping to fix my husband's wife! For helping this wife even understand her husband and what makes him tick! How in the world did God know all those years ago when the book’s framework was originally conceived and the idea given to you, that I would need this information now and today?” Sonya, from The USA
Hi Martin,
“I want to tell you that your book: “What Makes a Woman Tick: The Inner-Workings of a Female” was very well written. Some things I knew about women and some I didn't. I enjoyed it very much. Blessings.” Diane from Colorado
"I finally read the book What Makes women Tick! It is anointed. I know that His word will not go void. I enjoyed hearing your voice Martin throughout the book. It was if you were reading it to me. (hmmm...audio books?) Annie from Texas.
“Wow - what an awesome book, so well written. I think everyone on the planet needs to read this book. Male/Female, married 20 minutes or married 20 years, divorced or never married - the contents of this book will enlighten everyone who reads it. I plan on re-reading it several times. What a wealth of information - finally a relationship book that is based on "The Book". It made me realize what the dynamics were that went wrong in my 1st marriage; the dynamics that are going right in my marriage now; and the dynamics that need to continue to make my marriage all that God intended it to be; and for me to be the best woman/wife/mother/friend/sister, etc., that God created me to be. I don't think you got to write this one - you just got to hold the pen. This was straight revelation from the Holy Spirit of the Living God. Thank you so much for sharing it with me!” Karen from Atlanta.
Dr. Oliver,
“This may be your best book. Very well written, easily understood, subject matter flows smoothly. Your explanations of science and human characteristics and behavior in conjunction with need are relevant and, I believe, important.
Your explanation of why homosexuality is wrong is also important, not just from the physical but also, more critically, the spiritual. I was impressed with your statement that acceptance of perversion is necessary so that people will more readily accept the antichrist and I believe you are right. I had never considered that matter previously. The prayer at the end is perfect. It's a very good book and very well done.” Ellen from Idaho
Dear Martin, “I found your book "What Makes A Woman Tick: The Inner-Workings of a Female" very interesting. I say that because it's more than I expected it would be. The book is a mixture of Biology, Psychology and you also add God into why we are the way we are. It all makes perfect sense to me and I could see myself in many places. I think it was page 9 that fit me to a "T" and I recognized many of these things have affected all my life and marriage (or what use to be my marriage). Anyway, this was great insight into the needs of women ...I wish you great luck with this and all your books. Great job!” Jennifer from California
“I believe God uses many tools to help us on our journey through life. What an impact this book has made in me finally understanding myself and what really makes me tick in many areas of my life. As I read through Dr. Oliver's book I came to a place of understanding who my husband married and that she too had also bought many issues into the marriage. This book was and will remain going forward, a gift to me, and to my marriage, as we found ourselves working to determine if we should go on after 21 years together. It was very easy, in my opinion, to see what was wrong; it was all him, and nothing to do with me. In reading about the pillars women need, I began to see why my inner building was crumbling, what support beams were missing because they were not established in the early build and also identified what needed to be repaired. This book helped me understand me, but also ministered to the wounds at the same time. Dr. Oliver, and the Holy Spirit spoke to the facets of me I simply could not understand about myself.”
“Why, though intelligent, though well read, though gifted educationally, would I make such poor decisions otherwise? I have learned with the help of the Lord, and Dr. Oliver's book to cherish, love and restore the young woman in me who did not love herself. At 52, I now understand myself at age 25. Thanks Doc for letting the Lord use you to help me be all I am meant to be. For helping to fix my husband's wife! For helping this wife even understand her husband and what makes him tick! How in the world did God know all those years ago when the book’s framework was originally conceived and the idea given to you, that I would need this information now and today?” Sonya, from The USA
Hi Martin,
“I want to tell you that your book: “What Makes a Woman Tick: The Inner-Workings of a Female” was very well written. Some things I knew about women and some I didn't. I enjoyed it very much. Blessings.” Diane from Colorado

“Hi Doc,
Thanks for thinking of me. The book ““Aircraft Heaven”” is amazing. Thanks so much for sharing it with me. The artwork picture effects make them new and different. And of course the verses are thought provoking. I wish you all the best with its marketing, and I will be praying for good things for you and your family. Take care,” Lt. Col. L.L. USA
Thanks for thinking of me. The book ““Aircraft Heaven”” is amazing. Thanks so much for sharing it with me. The artwork picture effects make them new and different. And of course the verses are thought provoking. I wish you all the best with its marketing, and I will be praying for good things for you and your family. Take care,” Lt. Col. L.L. USA

“I have known Martin Oliver for over 40 years. Martin and Diane are people of faith who live what they believe. I can (and do), without reservation, recommend Martin's book "Surfing Liquid Blue Topaz." This book is interesting and informative and testifies of God's great love and mercy. It is a book you can quickly read through but will want to come back and mine for more gold, God's truth. I hardily recommend this book.” Dr. Diana White, Texas
“Remarkably poignant, its depth revealing human character makes this work twice worth reading.” “A magnificent work cover to cover. This journey in print would be a best seller if it were fiction. The fact that its non-fiction makes it a remarkable unveiling of what could have been a very private life and journey. Dr. Oliver’s generosity and inclination to spread his knowledge has enabled the general public to enter a world that isn’t normally open to them; i.e. the world of surfing.” Michael Philip Oliver, California
“Good Morning Martin: I wanted to let you know I finished your book Surfing Liquid Blue Topaz late last night. What a blessing! You and Diane have led such an adventurous life. You guys are truly a walking testimony of the Goodness of the Lord. It is nothing short of miraculous what He has brought you thru. I loved all of the pictures you included - especially the older ones of you and Diane. I think anyone who knows and loves the Olivers would greatly enjoy reading this book.” Love to the Olivers! Karen Troyer, Georgia.
“I just finished Dr. Oliver's "Surfing Liquid Blue Topaz" and for some reason that will remain non-coincidental, God had me read Corrie Ten Booms "Tramp for the Lord" at the same time. The two stories perfectly complement each other, offering rich real life examples of supernatural miracles, guidance and provision.
My favorite chapter is "Persecution". I think that Americans, especially need a true Biblical perspective for the purpose of our lives in this age. We need to be trained and encouraged by men like Dr. Oliver to see through deception, speak the truth, and fight the good fight of faith. Thanks Dr. Oliver, for sharing your testimony – your faith and wisdom are an inspiration. “ Kendra, Atlanta
“Remarkably poignant, its depth revealing human character makes this work twice worth reading.” “A magnificent work cover to cover. This journey in print would be a best seller if it were fiction. The fact that its non-fiction makes it a remarkable unveiling of what could have been a very private life and journey. Dr. Oliver’s generosity and inclination to spread his knowledge has enabled the general public to enter a world that isn’t normally open to them; i.e. the world of surfing.” Michael Philip Oliver, California
“Good Morning Martin: I wanted to let you know I finished your book Surfing Liquid Blue Topaz late last night. What a blessing! You and Diane have led such an adventurous life. You guys are truly a walking testimony of the Goodness of the Lord. It is nothing short of miraculous what He has brought you thru. I loved all of the pictures you included - especially the older ones of you and Diane. I think anyone who knows and loves the Olivers would greatly enjoy reading this book.” Love to the Olivers! Karen Troyer, Georgia.
“I just finished Dr. Oliver's "Surfing Liquid Blue Topaz" and for some reason that will remain non-coincidental, God had me read Corrie Ten Booms "Tramp for the Lord" at the same time. The two stories perfectly complement each other, offering rich real life examples of supernatural miracles, guidance and provision.
My favorite chapter is "Persecution". I think that Americans, especially need a true Biblical perspective for the purpose of our lives in this age. We need to be trained and encouraged by men like Dr. Oliver to see through deception, speak the truth, and fight the good fight of faith. Thanks Dr. Oliver, for sharing your testimony – your faith and wisdom are an inspiration. “ Kendra, Atlanta
"When You Feel Like A Blob: Changing Self Image God’s Way”
Book reviews:
Dear Martin and Diane,
“As a full time student, today was the first morning in a long time when I planned to allow myself to sleep in, I did however wake up at 7.15am dreaming about home and nature in Sweden. I continued to read one of your books, "When You Feel like a Blob" and I finished reading it 20 minutes ago. I therefore wanted to drop you an email and let you know that I really liked it. I love how the explanations are being formed - it makes it easy to understand and touch. Everyone would be able to recognize themselves in your book. I also liked that we seem to have some similar ideas of the world and its inclusiveness and how to interpret it.
Now time for studies: 4 midterms are expected next week and another 4 finals within 4 weeks. Hope all is well with you both. Stay safe.”
Anna from Boston/Sweden
"Dr. Martin Oliver's counseling is very valuable to me. I appreciate his insights and listening skills. I have enjoyed his sessions because they are a dialogue and not just a monologue. Dr. Oliver also has great understanding and gentleness. His book 'When You Feel Like a Blob: Changing Self-Image God's Way' has also been helpful. I read it twice!"
Nadia - New York, NY
“What a great book - it moved me on so many different levels. I wish I had had this to read when I was 20 years old and didn't have much of a clue. Your book gave me reasons to laugh, cry, self-reflect, dig deeper in to the things of God, pray harder for my wounded daughter, my wounded parents, and my wounded siblings. It was a great book that I intend to re-read again and again.”
Karen - Atlanta, GA
“I have read your book and you are truly gifted by God. Your wisdom and expertise are evident in the book. You have great communication skills, making complex subjects such as the dynamics of the human mind, body, and soul more understandable. You meld together these aspects with sound, practical advice throughout the book. It is great you’ve pointed the reader to the ultimate help for our souls, salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. The pictures are a scream! “
Pat – California
"When You Feel Like a Blob is very well thought-out and so very well presented! You offer explanations in layman's language and provide encouragement, motivation, and great guidance for overcoming image problems. I like it very much and believe others will also."
Ellen in Idaho
Hello Dr. Oliver,
“I read your e book “When You Feel Like a Blob: Changing Self-Image God's Way'” and I agree that the way we see ourselves will greatly impact not only the way others perceive us but also can greatly affect the way we grow spiritually. You did a great job and I enjoyed the read. Thank you for taking the time to write this eBook.
Jose, Arizona
Book reviews:
Dear Martin and Diane,
“As a full time student, today was the first morning in a long time when I planned to allow myself to sleep in, I did however wake up at 7.15am dreaming about home and nature in Sweden. I continued to read one of your books, "When You Feel like a Blob" and I finished reading it 20 minutes ago. I therefore wanted to drop you an email and let you know that I really liked it. I love how the explanations are being formed - it makes it easy to understand and touch. Everyone would be able to recognize themselves in your book. I also liked that we seem to have some similar ideas of the world and its inclusiveness and how to interpret it.
Now time for studies: 4 midterms are expected next week and another 4 finals within 4 weeks. Hope all is well with you both. Stay safe.”
Anna from Boston/Sweden
"Dr. Martin Oliver's counseling is very valuable to me. I appreciate his insights and listening skills. I have enjoyed his sessions because they are a dialogue and not just a monologue. Dr. Oliver also has great understanding and gentleness. His book 'When You Feel Like a Blob: Changing Self-Image God's Way' has also been helpful. I read it twice!"
Nadia - New York, NY
“What a great book - it moved me on so many different levels. I wish I had had this to read when I was 20 years old and didn't have much of a clue. Your book gave me reasons to laugh, cry, self-reflect, dig deeper in to the things of God, pray harder for my wounded daughter, my wounded parents, and my wounded siblings. It was a great book that I intend to re-read again and again.”
Karen - Atlanta, GA
“I have read your book and you are truly gifted by God. Your wisdom and expertise are evident in the book. You have great communication skills, making complex subjects such as the dynamics of the human mind, body, and soul more understandable. You meld together these aspects with sound, practical advice throughout the book. It is great you’ve pointed the reader to the ultimate help for our souls, salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. The pictures are a scream! “
Pat – California
"When You Feel Like a Blob is very well thought-out and so very well presented! You offer explanations in layman's language and provide encouragement, motivation, and great guidance for overcoming image problems. I like it very much and believe others will also."
Ellen in Idaho
Hello Dr. Oliver,
“I read your e book “When You Feel Like a Blob: Changing Self-Image God's Way'” and I agree that the way we see ourselves will greatly impact not only the way others perceive us but also can greatly affect the way we grow spiritually. You did a great job and I enjoyed the read. Thank you for taking the time to write this eBook.
Jose, Arizona

"How to Unlock and Activate Your God Given Potential"
book review:
“This was one of the best self-help books I have ever read. The content is relevant for people of all ages; no matter where they are in life's journey. Very thought provoking. It made me self inspect not only where I am in my unused potential in every day life, but also in my unused potential for the things of God. Great book - thanks for sharing it! “
Karen - Atlanta, GA
"Your book is well written. You have the ability to communicate concepts in a way the reader would clearly understand the topics being discussed. Your examples are excellent, helping to define your points in a comprehensible and concise manner.
Your book contains not just the theoretical portion but also the practical, which includes work sheets to help the reader collect his thoughts and using them to aid in assessing his potential. You also emphasize that potential is not only given by God but is unlocked by first having a personal relationship with Christ, a crucial foundation to build upon. An excellent point! Without Him, we can do nothing as Christ Himself stated in John 15:5.
The book is easy to read, understand, and would especially benefit the born-again Christian. It will help many in their quest to find, develop, and use their God-given potential."
Pat – California
book review:
“This was one of the best self-help books I have ever read. The content is relevant for people of all ages; no matter where they are in life's journey. Very thought provoking. It made me self inspect not only where I am in my unused potential in every day life, but also in my unused potential for the things of God. Great book - thanks for sharing it! “
Karen - Atlanta, GA
"Your book is well written. You have the ability to communicate concepts in a way the reader would clearly understand the topics being discussed. Your examples are excellent, helping to define your points in a comprehensible and concise manner.
Your book contains not just the theoretical portion but also the practical, which includes work sheets to help the reader collect his thoughts and using them to aid in assessing his potential. You also emphasize that potential is not only given by God but is unlocked by first having a personal relationship with Christ, a crucial foundation to build upon. An excellent point! Without Him, we can do nothing as Christ Himself stated in John 15:5.
The book is easy to read, understand, and would especially benefit the born-again Christian. It will help many in their quest to find, develop, and use their God-given potential."
Pat – California